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07 January 2025

What would motivate an immortal?

Immortals return with a desire to accomplish a purpose.

How do you identify cause and effect?


In forming any planor arrangement, you work from a cause that prompts your action, which when brought into play will execute your desire, and in course of time, an effect of the cause is an accomplished fact.

When thought penetrates the avenues of reason, reaching intelligence, it is by the laws of attraction that the thought has reached its ally
or affinity, reverting back through the avenues of mind, bringing to you eventually the culmination of your desire.

In making your investigations, you will find that intelligence has the power of deduction—deductions, thoughts—thoughts, causes—causes, effects.

In the promulgation of all life, it is found that the same laws are brought into action, each relying upon the otherall conforming to a great, true, basic principle.

From a true basic principle, all laws work in unison and harmony, thereby reaping a perfect effect.

From these unchangeable principles, you find Nature working in all forms of life under the laws of cause and effect.

The forces of law are perfect in action and accurate in construction.

The evolutions of matter are the same at all times and unchangeable.

In the culmination of the various life forces, you and I stand out in material life an instrument for good—

Unlike the Creator in form, but like Him in power.

The onward progress of power is the constant progression of thought.

All powers by their expression are emanations of the Divine Will and the reservoir for your sustenance.

The evolution of the will is astounding, and the inability of the mind to grasp the greatness of the power keeps you day-to-day in ignorance.

The same today will not be the same tomorrow.

Each new cause produces a new effect—one act leading unto another until the die is cast.

The advent of each Spirit in the material world is marked with its previous personality.

Retrogression is impossible, but progression is an assured outgrowth of all forms of life.

As life comes without the asking, so does maintenance come by the same law.

A cause is not the effect, but the creator, unlike the cause in form, but like it in power.

Memory anchors all forms of deceit, malice and envy, while it also anchors truth and unselfish motives.

The knowledge that you possess comes by the given law.

Deeply anchored within the breast,

Knowledge there for all.

The cause for this is very plain—

Beneath the fertile mind,

(Wo)man dwells supreme, deep within

Knowledge there for all.

The effect you find on every hand—

Unlike the human you see,

He shows his skill in every land,

A useful human is he.

His work goes on unto the end

When comes a change with thee,

You cease your toil, then ascend

And you a spirit be.

Reap the seeds that you have sown

And work to higher realms

Change again, and then again,

Unto your perfect self.

Is love the purpose of life?

Love is the goal. 

 In loving one another, you love God, for God is Love.

Martian dust devil trails | NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/University of Arizona

How to find your own personal happiness?

Work hard.

Look to the future with enthusiasm and hope.

Accept responsibility, not only asking for your own rights, but accepting responsibility for yourself, for other people, for Nature, and for future generations.

Think about what you want most in your life for you, but know that you find your love and happiness within your own self first.

Radiate this, and it will attract those to you that you are searching for.

There are good things out there for you.

When a door closes, another one of equal―or better value is opening.

You do make a difference.

It does matter.

No matter how bad it gets, remember it could have been worse.

What is the secret to grow spiritually?

Let me give you an exercise that will strengthen and build you physically and spiritually if you care to practice it.

After you have taken your morning bath, lie down on your back on the floor with hands and arms stretched downward. Then slowly raise the arms straight up in the air without bending the elbows until you touch the floor over your head. Take a deep breath each time you do it, and place your mind upon your desire for health and understanding
or whatever may be the desire of your heart. It is a strengthening process to repeat the Lord's Prayer, as you breathe in, and raise your arms—that prayer, properly said and rightly understood, contains the essence of your heart's desire—

Lead me through temptation into Light—.

Take this exercise three times every day—morning, noon and just before retiring. You will soon find for yourself an inspiration that you did not know of.

—Spirit Ione

Annual Dog Show, St Ives, Sydney, 18 March 1950 | Pix Magazine | State Library of New South Wales

How to make your spiritual gift manifest?

It may not perhaps be known to you, but it is a fact that when you feel a true sympathy for the suffering, your very presence is a benefit to the invalid―a
 magnetism of healing power flows from you,  and if you are a medium, you are generally led to lay your hands upon them, and can often heal them. 

These things are taking place daily in your midst, and more and more striking manifestations of this gift of healing will be given, as the spirits can manifest through you. 

The time, however, is not far distant when a great change will come over the world. 

Much of the inequality of social position will be done away with. 

You will think for yourself

Act for yourself―

Rank, fashion, and all such artificial and hurtful distinctions will cease to bear sway over your mind―

You will look to yourself, and not to others, for guidance, and become individualised. 

When this state of things prevails, then you will find true happiness daily gaining ground among you.

The harmonies of your nature, instead of the discords, will become cultivated, and so entirely changed will your condition become that when the time arrives for your passage from this earth sphere, it will be merely a gentle sleep and you will scarcely realise it until you awake in glory, for glorious will be the awakening of such harmonious and happy being.

―Spirit N.

What goes on in the spirit world?

God is no nearer to Spirit lives in the Spirit world than He is to us in the earth world. It is
they who are nearer to Him because, among other things, they can see more clearly the Divine Hand in this world, and the expression of His Mind. 

Spirit lives occupy themselves in study―or they can engage themselves in the amusing recreations that abound in these realms.

Intellectual recreation, which may take diverse forms, is amply provided for in the halls of learning because learning can itself be a recreation.

One particular diversion that finds a very considerable measure of favour with Spirit lives here is that of dramatic representation of different kinds.

They have beautiful theatres situated in environments just as beautiful, worthy buildings devoted to a worthy purpose. The architects who design the buildings do so with the same meticulous care as is shown in all their endeavours, and the results reveal the degree of active co-operation that exists between the masters of the craft. The garniture, within is the product of skilled artists from the Hall of Fabrics―the gardens without have the same devoted care lavished upon them. 

Each theatre of this realm is familiar to them by the type of play that is presented in it. The plays themselves are frequently vastly different from those that are customary upon the earth plane. They have nothing that is sordid, nor do the authors of plays insist upon harrowing their audiences. They can see many problem plays where social questions of the earth plane are dealt with, but unlike the earth plane, their plays will provide a solution to the particular problem.

They can go to see comedies where, as Spirit 
Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson does assure us, the laughter is invariably much more hearty and voluminous than is ever to be heard in a theatre of the earth plane. In the spirit world, they can afford to laugh at much that they once, when incarnate, treated with deadly seriousness and earnestness!

They have witnessed grand historical pageants, showing the greater moments of a nation, and history as it really was, and where the original participants themselves re-enact the events in which they were concerned, first as the events were popularly thought to have occurred, and then, as they actually took place. These representations are among the most widely attended here, and never are there more attentive and rapt members of the audience than those players who, during their earthly lives, played the parts, in stage plays, of the famous characters whom they are now seeing “in the flesh.”

In such pageants the coarser, depraved and debased incidents are omitted entirely because they would be distasteful to the audience, and indeed to all in this realm. 

Spirit ives have no need here to take bodily exercise, vigorous―or otherwise, nor do they  need to go out into the “fresh air.”. Their Spirit bodies are always in perfect condition, they suffer no disorders of any kind, and the air penetrates into every corner of their homes and buildings, where it fully retains its purity. It would be impossible for it to become vitiated―or contaminated in any way. It is to be expected then that their recreations should be more upon the mental plane than upon the “physical.”

As most of the outdoor games of the earth world involve the use of a ball, it will be appreciated that here, where the law of gravity operates under different conditions from ours, anything in the nature of propelling a ball by striking it would lead to quite hopeless results. 

On the earth plane skill in games is acquired by the mastery of the mind over the muscles of the body, when once the latter has been brought to a healthy condition. Here efficiency is quickly gained, whether it is in playing upon a musical instrument, painting a picture―or in any other pursuit that requires the use of the limbs.

And it must be remembered that indoors―or outdoors are precisely one to them here. They have no changes of weather during recurrent seasons. The great central sun is forever shining―it is never anything, but delightfully warm. They never feel the necessity for a brisk walk to set their blood circulating the better. Their homes and houses are not necessities, but additions to an already enjoyable life. You will find many people here who do not possess a home―they do not want one, they will tell you, for the sun is perpetually shining, and the temperature is perpetually warm. They are never ill―or hungry―or in want of any kind, and the whole beautiful realm is theirs to wander in.

It must also be remembered that viewpoints change very much when one comes to live here. What they deemed so very important when they were incarnate, they find is not nearly so important when they  arrive in the Spirit world. And many of their erstwhile earthly games seem rather tame and trivial beside their greatly increased powers in the Spirit world. The fact that they can move themselves through space instantaneously is enough to make the greatest earthly athletic skill recede into insignificance, and their mundane sports and games are in similar case. Their recreations are more of the mind, and they never feel that they must expend a superfluity of physical energy upon some strenuous action, for their energy is at a constant level, according to their individual requirements. They find that they have so much to learn that they do not need the number―or variety of recreations that we do. They have plenty of music to listen to, there are such wonders in these lands that they want to know all about, there is so much congenial work to be done that there is no cause to be cast down at the prospect of there being few of the earthly sports and pastimes in the Spirit world. There is such a superabundant supply of vastly more entertaining things to be seen and done here, besides which a great deal of the earthly recreations appear sheer trivialities.