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Showing posts with label The Rules of Life. Show all posts

17 January 2024

The Man Who Found God

There seems to be no way, in which I can better teach you about this life, so strange to you, than by telling my experiences and conversations with men and women here [in the world of spirits].

I said, one night long ago, that I had met more saints than philosophers, and I want to tell you now about a man who seems to be a genuine saint.

Yes; there are little saints, and great saints, as there are little sinners, and great sinners.

One day, I was walking on a mountaintop. I say “walking,” for it seemed about the same, though it takes but little energy to walk here.

On the mountaintop, I saw a man standing alone. He was looking out and far away, but I could not see what he was looking at. He was abstracted, and communing with himself, or with some presence of which I was unaware.

I waited for some time.

At last, drawing a long breath, for we breathe here, he turned his eyes to me. and said, with a kind smile―

Can I do anything for you, brother?

I was embarrassed for a moment, feeling that I might have intruded upon some sweet communion.

“If I am not too bold in asking,” I said, “would you tell me what you were thinking, as you stood there looking into space?”

I was conscious of my presumption, but being so determined to learn what can be known, if sometimes I am too bold in making inquiries, I feel that my very earnestness may win for me the forgiveness of those I question.

This man had a beautiful beardless face, and young-looking eyes, but his garments were the ordinary garments of one who thinks little or nothing of his appearance.

That very unconsciousness of the outer form may sometimes give it a peculiar majesty.

He looked at me in silence for a moment; then, he said―

I was trying to draw near God.

And what is God; and where is God?

He smiled. I never saw a smile like his, as he answered―

God is everywhere. God is.

“What is he?” I persisted, and again he repeated, but with a different emphasis―

God is.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

God is, God is.

I do not know how his meaning was conveyed to me, perhaps by sympathy, but it suddenly flashed into my mind that when he said, “God is,” he expressed the completest realisation of God, which is possible to the spirit; and when he said, “God is,” he meant me to understand that there was no being, nothing that is, except God.

There must have been in my face a reflection of what I felt, for the saint then said to me―

Do you not also know that He is, and that all that is, is He?

“I am beginning to feel what you mean,” I answered, “though I doubtless feel but a little of it.”

He smiled, and made no reply, but my mind was full of questions.

“When you were on earth,” I said, “did you think much about God?”

“Always. I thought of little else. I sought Him everywhere, but seemed only at times to get flashes of consciousness, as to what He really was.

Sometimes when praying, for I prayed much, there would come to me suddenly the question,

To what are you praying?

And I would answer aloud,

To God, to God!

But though I prayed to Him every day for years, only occasionally did I get a flash of that true consciousness of God.

Finally, one day, when I was alone in the woods, there came the great revelation.

It came, not in any form of words, but rather in a wordless and formless wonder, too vast for the limitation of thought.

I fell upon the ground, and must have lost consciousness, for, after a while, I awoke, and got up, and looked about me. Then, gradually, I remembered the experience, which had been too big for me while I was feeling it.

“I could put into the form of words, the realisation, which had been too much for my mortality to bear, and the words I used to myself were,

All that is, is God.

It seemed very simple, yet it was far from simple.

All that is, is God.

That must include me, and all my fellow beings, human and animal; even the trees, and the birds, and the rivers, must be a part of God, if God were all that is.

“From that moment, life assumed a new meaning for me.

I could not see a human face, without remembering the revelation, that the human being I saw was a part of God.

When my dog looked at me, I said to him aloud,

You are a part of God.

When I stood beside a river, and listened to the sound of its waters, I said to myself,

I am listening to the voice of God.


When a fellow being was angry with me, I asked myself,

In what way have I offended God?’

When one spoke lovingly to me, I said,

‘God is loving me now,' and the realisation nearly took my breath away.

Life became unbelievably beautiful.

“Theretofore, I had been so absorbed in God, in trying to find God, that I had not given much thought to my fellow beings, and had even neglected those nearest me.

But from that day, I began to mingle with my human brethren.

I found that, as more and more I sought God in them, more and more, God responded to me through them.

And life became still more wonderful.

08 June 2023

For All Who Suffer Sleepness Nights

Repeat morning and night―

Tonight, I sleep with angels.

01 June 2023

Like attracts like!

Remember; like attracts like. 

Like energy attracts like energy. 

Like thoughts attract like thoughts. 

In life, like begets like!

Like Begets Like by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

25 April 2023

Never give up.

Never accept failure, no matter how often it visits you.  Keep on going.  Never give up.  Never.

—Dr Michael Smurfit

23 April 2023

Determine to succeed despite obstacles.

You are much more likely to succeed if your willpower is awakened and brought into play than if you are merely told to do your duty and hope for the best because hoping is not willing and though it may be indicative of a firm faith in the existence of Divine justice and foresight, yet it fails to rouse the energies so well as the earnest longing, which is supported by a determination to succeed in spite of obstacles.

11 April 2023

Why worry? It will probably never happen.

Remember; why worry? It will probably never happen.

Live completely here and now.

These roses under my window do not worry about whether they are better than former roses, or whether succeeding roses will be better than they.

There is simply the rose; it exists with God today.

But human beings, heedless of the riches, which surround them, are always on tiptoe to foresee a future, and they do not know how to live completely here and now.


Only I can change by choosing to do so.

Beginning today, I will no longer worry about yesterday. It is in the past, and the past will never change.

Only I can change by choosing to do so.

―Penny Jacqueline White

What will do more to remedy worry?

Time spent on the knee in prayer will do more to remedy heart attacks and nerve worry than anything else.

―George David Stewart

Why worry?

Why worry? 

Your worrying serves nothing. 

God can do what you and I cannot. Remember that.

16 February 2023

What is your overwhelming feeling?

What I really want to say is that my main overwhelming feeling is gratitude. 

―Salman Rushdie

Gratitude by Juan Gris | Stablecog Generator

07 February 2023

04 February 2023

Do not disregard your dreams about the dead.

Do not disregard your dreams about the dead. They always mean something. They do not always mean what the dream would seem to signify, for the door between the two worlds is very narrow and thoughts are often shaken out of place in passing through. But dreams about the dead mean something. The departed can reach you in that way.

The Living Dead by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

What is logical Law?

Through your thoughts and inspiration, you weave for yourself your future place in the next dimension. This is a logical Law.

Law by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

02 February 2023

Keep your thoughts pure.

Keep your thoughts pure that you may not be the means of doing injury to others. 

It is equally true that you may unconsciously do considerable good in the world by simply living a good life, and thus influencing others, not so much by your example, as by your personal magnetic sphere, which is beneficial to the morally diseased with whom you come into contact. 

An unequal amount of good may be done by one who leads a pure life in the midst of the impure, as by one who gives thousands away in charity. 

The one gives spiritual benefits and the other bestows temporal advantages. 

You confer benefits by your example but also by your personal magnetic sphere; the good is not only confined to the healthy influence of your own presence but is likewise enhanced by the healthy influence of the spirit friends you bring with you. 

Pure Thoughts by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

27 January 2023

Have your fill of your freedom.

Have your fill of the freedom and enjoyment of your existence here.

Flowers of Neillia affinis | Agnes Monkelbaan | (CC BY-SA 4.0)

23 January 2023

One thing you must not forget!

The Supreme Will must prevail in world affairs. You need not worry. The whole world cannot go to the devil because the Infinite One is guiding its destinies.

View of the crescent moon through the top of the Earth's atmosphere | NASA Earth Observatory

22 January 2023

Think and live out thoughts of love.

As one who tries to remain youthful in his thinking and feeling, I have struggled against facts and experience on behalf of belief in the good and the true.

At the present time, when violence, clothed in life, dominates the world more cruelly than it ever has before, I still remain convinced that truth, love, peaceableness, meekness and kindness are the violence, which can master all other violence.

The world will be theirs, as soon as ever a sufficient number of men with purity of heart, with strength, and with perseverance, think and live out the thoughts of love and truth, of meekness and peaceableness.

The knowledge of life, therefore, which we grown-ups have to pass on to the younger generation will not be expressed thus—

Reality will soon give way before your ideals, but grow into your ideals, so that life can never rob you of them.

If all of us could become what we were at fourteen, what a different place the world would be!

—Albert Schweitzer

Nelumbo nucifera | jennyzhh2008/pixabay

10 November 2016

Do we have any temptations after leaving earth?

Do you have any temptations after leaving earth?

Yes; for many temptations come from the reason and the willpower, and you take them both with you into your first state; even in heaven, you are free and could sin if you would. 

There is no cannot in spiritual language.

19 August 2016

What is the great lever by which you accomplish?

Willpower is the great lever by which you accomplish that which you long for.