You yourself are judge and jury.
Thou thyself art heaven and hell.
Can you beat that?
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You yourself are judge and jury.
Thou thyself art heaven and hell.
Can you beat that?
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 15:30 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Conditions of Life in the Psychic World
There is no despair of earth, great as it often is, equal to the despair a spirit feels when he realises the barrier, which death has placed between him and the world of living souls.
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 17:32 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Conditions of Life in the Psychic World
I want to say a word to those who are about to die. I want to beg them to forget their bodies as soon as possible, after the change, which they call death.
Tell them to forget it altogether, to force the thought away, to go out into the other life free. Looking back upon the past is sometimes good, but not upon this relic of the past.
I have been back myself a few times, but am determined to go back no more.
I do not want to shock or pain you―only to warn you.
It is sad to see the sight, which inevitably meets one in the grave.
They return again and again to the place which they should not visit.
Tell them not to do it.
She was weeping―for we have tears here also.
The shock of the first visit is repeated each time, as the thing one sees is less and less what we like to think of ourselves as being.
It is partly curiosity that draws one back, partly magnetic attraction, but it can do no good. It is better to forget it.
If we could only remember in life that the form, which we call ourselves, is not our real immortal self at all, we would not give it such an exaggerated importance, though we would nevertheless take needful care of it.
Most of the men and women here do not know that they have lived many times in flesh.
One should always keep the memory of the past as clear as possible. It helps one to construct the future.
Life can be so free here!
In our world, a man is held only by his thoughts. If they are free, he is free.
I think the happiest people I have met on this side have been the painters.
There are beautiful pictures here.
Music on earth is much enjoyed on this side. It can be heard.
Of all earthly things, sound reaches most directly into this plane of life. Tell that to the musicians.
You may have wondered how I spend my time, and where I go.
Our light is put out by the cruder light of the sun.
It was a beautiful experience.
What a wonderful man you are, Father!
How did you make that hut seem to be on fire?
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 14:51 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Conditions of Life in the Psychic World
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 20:36 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Conundrums, Live a Life of Joy Booklets and Affirmation Decks
On the earth the broken arcs,In the heaven a perfect round.
Perhaps a diagram will make this clearer.
Thus these spheres are dual as being in pairs; dual in the divided experience, and above all dual as to the double consciousness.
What, then, causes him to enter one of these spheres rather than the other?
Man, then, is not perfect until he reaches the seventh sphere; the Unity in Peace.
And now with what words can we describe the spirit-body?
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 15:50 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Live a Life of Joy Booklets and Affirmation Decks, The Higher Life
We are not isolated units here, with merely individualistic needs and desires—rather we live under different governments, answering somewhat to your different nations.
The father in experience and wisdom advises, protects, and instructs those who are related to him in psychic bonds; that is in character and bent of the soul, but who are yet young and tender in the new life.
There is no possible place for punishment of any kind; to such as may in any way transgress the divine law there comes a sense of separation, which lasts until the faculties of the soul are readjusted.
Just as the eye, the ear, and the palate choose and prefer some things to others, so the soul senses draw us to such things and people as can give us pure joy, or cause us to grow in the most healthy way possible.
If they followed and obeyed—not a person, but those inner principles which belong to humanity—then they would be fit to lead others.
Such govern and are as fathers to those who need help; while to others who need it not, there is as much freedom as if they existed alone in the universe.
Thus the law of change is still universal—the flowers change from one beauty to another or disappear from our view to reappear in other forms—the earth changes and beautifies under our faithful labour; our friends grow in spirit and sometimes they too pass away; our work, our thought, change and pass from one order to another.
To those who are out of harmony with this divine order, this earth may often seem like a wilderness and the pools of living water like dreary wastes of sand—but this is only while their hour of tribulation lasts; only until they yield themselves to the law of their being, and become united, one, a whole creation.
We put our lower nature in its proper place of subjection under our feet and thus ruling it we rise to perfect manhood, and share the throne of all perfect humanity, and then we rise by and by to greater heights and share the throne of the Divine.
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 11:08 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Government, Live a Life of Joy Booklets and Affirmation Decks
Why hast thou made us to differ? Why do some suffer the anguish of the body and misery of the soul, while others have no cross in their lot? Is this not a common cry?
You must take large views of life if you would understand it all clearly.
And then the ShipComplete at last—loosed from its earthly bonds,Glides from its birthplace to the sea—Which yielding, yet supporting, bears it on.Out from the land-locked harbour to the deep.Cumbrous before, it lay upon the stocksLike some dead thing, neither of earth nor air—But now it lives and guided by the windsLeaves earth behind it, and sails onward to the sun.
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 23:28 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Conundrums
Time’s wheel runs back or stops;Potter and clay endure.
Time—One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
And the angel being caused to fly swiftly came unto Daniel at the time of evening sacrifice.
When thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 22:28 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Conditions of Life in the Psychic World, Live a Life of Joy Booklets and Affirmation Decks
What are the soul experiences during this sleep, and what are the appearance and actions of the sleeper as viewed by us?
Diversity in unity is the law of our nature.
What is the aspect in which we regard these sleepers, and what is their connection with us?
Will you always bear in mind that when we say—such and such things occur, or in this way the soul develops—we do not lay down any hard and fast law as to manner or sequence of development; rather we give you what is most general in our circle and in our experience. But as one flower unfolds and expands differently from another, so is it with the soul.
I will try to make our life a little clearer for you.
If we need what we had not got for anyone, a wish would produce it, just as the Master could produce the loaves when he had a strong feeling of pity for the poor hungry souls around him.
Since I have been in this new home I have known what peace, love, and joy really are—all three unbroken, and increasing every day.
Posted by Luisa Rodrigues Luisa Rodrigues at 21:44 0 comments
Labels: A Chart of the Country on the Other Side, Live a Life of Joy Booklets and Affirmation Decks, The Psychic Sleep