He knew whoso loveth is born of God.
He served the lowliest and poorest―those who had never heard his name or knew what he did for them, for he gave to all good and noble causes the help and strength that made them powers for good―whose fruitage only the ages can tell.
He served, also, the crying spiritual needs of those who―hungering and thirsting after righteousness―came to him, as a visible source of strength.
He served those, also, who―seeing his face, as he talked with the Almighty, as friend talketh with friend―were led to walk beside him up to the mountain top, and there saw, as he did, the dear loving face of the Christ, Emmanuel, God with us.
As he learned, and taught, watered, and was watered, he came to the end of one phase of his being―when he could no longer be held of the flesh.
He is working still.
His lips are burning yet with the adoration of his great, loving capacity, filled to overflowing, and the brightness of his countenance is that of those who abide with the Lord in the Mount of Transfiguration.
He is full of desire to help and to serve, and his whole nature flows serenely and powerfully on like a mighty river lit by the beams of the Sun of Righteousness whose radiance is reflected in a thousand sparkling and gleaming lights.
It is well with him―it will be well with those who love him if they walk in his footsteps―trust as he trusted―serve as he served―love as he loved.
As death was to him the pathway to eternal life, look for him among the immortals, for he is not in the tomb, but risen.