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07 January 2025

How do you identify cause and effect?


In forming any planor arrangement, you work from a cause that prompts your action, which when brought into play will execute your desire, and in course of time, an effect of the cause is an accomplished fact.

When thought penetrates the avenues of reason, reaching intelligence, it is by the laws of attraction that the thought has reached its ally
or affinity, reverting back through the avenues of mind, bringing to you eventually the culmination of your desire.

In making your investigations, you will find that intelligence has the power of deduction—deductions, thoughts—thoughts, causes—causes, effects.

In the promulgation of all life, it is found that the same laws are brought into action, each relying upon the otherall conforming to a great, true, basic principle.

From a true basic principle, all laws work in unison and harmony, thereby reaping a perfect effect.

From these unchangeable principles, you find Nature working in all forms of life under the laws of cause and effect.

The forces of law are perfect in action and accurate in construction.

The evolutions of matter are the same at all times and unchangeable.

In the culmination of the various life forces, you and I stand out in material life an instrument for good—

Unlike the Creator in form, but like Him in power.

The onward progress of power is the constant progression of thought.

All powers by their expression are emanations of the Divine Will and the reservoir for your sustenance.

The evolution of the will is astounding, and the inability of the mind to grasp the greatness of the power keeps you day-to-day in ignorance.

The same today will not be the same tomorrow.

Each new cause produces a new effect—one act leading unto another until the die is cast.

The advent of each Spirit in the material world is marked with its previous personality.

Retrogression is impossible, but progression is an assured outgrowth of all forms of life.

As life comes without the asking, so does maintenance come by the same law.

A cause is not the effect, but the creator, unlike the cause in form, but like it in power.

Memory anchors all forms of deceit, malice and envy, while it also anchors truth and unselfish motives.

The knowledge that you possess comes by the given law.

Deeply anchored within the breast,

Knowledge there for all.

The cause for this is very plain—

Beneath the fertile mind,

(Wo)man dwells supreme, deep within

Knowledge there for all.

The effect you find on every hand—

Unlike the human you see,

He shows his skill in every land,

A useful human is he.

His work goes on unto the end

When comes a change with thee,

You cease your toil, then ascend

And you a spirit be.

Reap the seeds that you have sown

And work to higher realms

Change again, and then again,

Unto your perfect self.

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