Say unto the people, the I AM hath sent me unto you.
Why enquirest thou after my name, seeing that it is hidden.
What is God?
If I call God Father, I limit him so far that I imply He is not my brother—
If I call him Lord, I imply that He is not my equal, my companion, my friend.
All definitions then are limited, and to a certain extent, misleading—
Yet we must avail ourselves of some terms.
The truest is that given through Moses—I AM.
I am All Being—
All Being is myself—
Yet even this seems to shut him out of phenomena.
Yes, there is One, and only One in the Universe of Worlds—
One in whom all being, all force, all phenomena are united—
Besides this One there is no other—
There is no life that is not God—
There is no death that is not God—
No spirit—
All is one—
The very power of which we speak it is God—
The Absolute—
The Limitless—
The Infinite.
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