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06 December 2024

What does God mean by the great I am?

I AM light!

I AM beautiful light!

I AM the pure light of unconditional love.

I AM all-knowing.

I AM all-forgiving.

I AM all-loving.

I AM beautiful.

I AM love and peace and happiness and complete and utter joy.

I AM pieces of the light everywhere.

I AM the most beautiful light imaginable.

I AM yellow white and brilliant.

I AM the energy of the universe.

I AM immense.

I AM powerful.

I AM intense lightness.

I AM the giant infinite world of calm and love and energy and beauty.

I AM all-being.

I AM all-existence.

I AM all-meaning.

I AM all-beauty.

I AM all the energy of the universe forever in one place.

I AM a beautiful soft pink light.

I AM the most profound spirit of love that you can imagine.

I AM bright light.

I AM very bright.

I AM radiant white light.

I AM enlightened.

I AM the divine light.

I AM the saving light.

I AM the hand of God.

I AM the throne of God.

I AM rebirth [at death].

I AM mystical.

I AM the living tissue of life itself.

I AM the shining focus of energy.

I AM in and all around.

I AM the guardian light.

I AM the guiding light.

I AM all white.

I AM brilliant, beautiful, loving, peaceful light.

I AM bright light.

I AM unconditional love.

I AM total truth.

I AM the world of light and beauty on the other side.

I AM the loving light.

I AM clear light.

I AM the light of God.

I AM beautiful amber light.

I AM warm, bright.

I AM loving.

I AM intense.

I AM blissful.

I AM brilliant white light.

I AM a great light.

I AM incandescent.

I AM ethereal.

I AM great knowingness.

I AM all love.

I AM very powerful bright light.

I AM so peaceful and beautiful.

I AM radiant, white light.

I AM all-beauty.

I AM all-meaning.

I AM all existence.

I AM all the energy of the universe together in one place.

I AM exhilarating.

I AM beautiful soft pink light.

I AM a profound spirit of love.

I AM intense brightness.

I AM filled with love and knowledge.

I AM a loving God.

I AM a beautiful light.

I AM shining and beautiful.

I AM a very intense bright light.

To what am I praying?

To God, to God!

What is God?

God is.

What does this mean?

God is.

God is.

God is everywhere.

God is.

Do you not also know that He is, and all that is, is He?

What is He?

All that is, is God.

All that is, is God.

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