/> How to Heal Spirit Mindfully? Mind―Heart―You!: What is always best adapted to the needs of the spirit? UA-45840438-1

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31 January 2024

What is always best adapted to the needs of the spirit?

Can you give us an idea of the language in use in spirit-land? 

We have an impression that you have neither speech, nor laughter, as known to us―that all thoughtfrom grave to gay, from lively to severeis understood rather than expressed.

If there were no expression, there would be no external―

There would be no individualisation―

There would be no form except one vast void everywhere, which would be meaningless to the soul. 

Outward expressions are seen and felt and heard even there. 

There is music in the land of souls, so far beyond the music of earth's spheres, that were you to be translated there this hour, you would scarcely understand it. 

The land of souls is not a mere world of imagination―a something devoid of beauty―a great chaos, with neither form, nor fashion. 

No, it is more beautiful than this earthly sphere of action, having forms and various conditions of being.

If there is no disease in spirit-land, and all are physically perfect, why is a medical science there? 

What is the motive for its pursuit where there is no object for its exercise?

There is disease in the spirit-land, for there are many mental ailments, as there are physical ailments. 

Every kind of sorrow is a disease and souls experience the keenest sorrow in spirit-land.

It is far more acute than that you take cognisance of here in this world. 

There is quite as much need of soul-physicians, as of physicians to take charge of the human body.

If our spirit-friends are with us in earth-life, and are acquainted with our surroundings, why is it that they do not control those surroundings for our good? and why is it that we are not conscious of their presence? 

Your inquirer has long prayed for some manifestation of their presence, but without success.

It does not follow that because they may understand the surroundings of those with whom they come in contact in earth-life that they should be always able to control those surroundings, nor does it follow that they would always wish to. 

It should be understood that each soul has duties of its own to perform. 

Duty to self is not only the first law of earth, but of heaven, and every spirit should depend on its own internal and external sources for happiness―for what it desires. 

That that comes from the external―from another―is rarely appreciated by the spirit, but that which is outwrought from its own life, or gathered from the external by the earnest workings of its own inner life, is always best adapted to the needs of the spirit. 

Therefore, it is that those millions of sympathising spirits who have passed through death, though they may be in the fullness of sympathy with their suffering friends, yet you may hear no sound from them. 

They may be, as it were, shut out from their consciousness, having no interference with your earthly affairs because it is better that it is so. 

It is better, perhaps, that they let you work out your own salvation, though it be with fear and trembling.

―Theodore Parker (Spirit)

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