Why are you subjected to the trials of earth?
What is the fundamental essential for all, and why is there no way of having this essential understood by all?
God is an Infinite Spirit, or Intelligence, emanating Life and Love.
Intelligence includes all that ever was―or will be.
One of the attributes of intelligence is freedom.
Each emanation of that Infinite Intelligence partakes of its essence, and when expressed is endowed with freedom of development and godlike possibilities.
There are many spheres, and all eternity in which to perfect this tiny ray of the great Creator.
Mind becomes progressively more the paramount expression of the individual and is able to grasp the meaning and reason of life and the absolute necessity of its free development.
The degree of understanding of each life is superior to the preceding one.
Truth is one of God’s eternal attributes, and is synonymous with reality.
Without it nothing could exist.
Truth includes all the essentials.
Life on earth is given you as a period of preparation, not as your ultimate end.
You do not live in time but for eternity.
God knows best.
He is Eternal and Infinite Wisdom and Love, and He sees that the pains and sufferings of His children are nothing in comparison with their eternal happiness.
If it seems to Him best that they be removed from earth it is for a good purpose.
Truth is one and its essence is infinite and unchangeable.
Only its expression varies with the varying power of the age and the individual to give it form.
Everything that has in it the spirit of truth is necessarily harmonious with all other forms of truth.
Jesus brought into the earth's teachings a far fuller measure of truth than had yet been given to man.
His teachings revolutionised society by love.
He was understood by few because of their unwillingness and inability to leave their old standards.
The measure of truth was too great for immediate understanding by the masses, but served as a vehicle for the intelligent comprehension of God’s Love.
While you remain on earth that understanding is purely intellectual or real by faith, but in the world of spirits, spirit-lives are conscious that it is that Love alone, which gives them life.
They understand that love and life are attributes of divine intelligence―
God―the great Creative Spirit―is Intelligence, and every outpouring of His mind forms an individual, partaking of His essence and sustained by the Love this divine life has generated.
The expression of this life, which on earth was enclosed in a body, has now become clearer here.
The earthly body has given place to a spiritual one, which remains in its personal characteristics the same, but has progressed mentally and spiritually.
Earth senses have given place to spirit senses, among which is a faculty of imparting and receiving knowledge without other effort than desire by a conscious absorption of His vivifying and enlightening Love.
Limitations of earth are removed.
Language has become unnecessary.
Cause and effect are clearly understood.
Here spirit-lives are conscious of all the past and present and as much of the future as their development permits.
They are freed from the weaknesses from which they suffered on earth, and in this clear and radiant light, they have no errors to combat.
Truth is inextinguishable.
Every word and every earnest desire for truth sets in motion vibrations, which go on in widening circles forever.
God is Truth, and if you would vibrate in harmony with Him, you must search far and deep.
You must learn to put away the enveloping covering of error, custom, self-interest and worldly considerations.
You must be willing to sacrifice everything that prevents or obstructs the perfect unison, which would exist between you and truth or harmony with God.
It was to clear away the clouds of ignorance that Christ became man in Jesus.
The clear, simple rules that He gave are all that are needed.
Love God above all things, and thy neighbour as thyself include everything.
Love radiates force and strength, joy and happiness, confidence and peace.
When you vibrate in conscious unison with Love, you expand and enlarge your possibilities to receive more of the divine elixir.
Love is an active principle of life.
The way to purify and fit yourself to receive a fuller measure of the sustaining and life-giving force of the universe―Love―is to search deeply within yourself every day―
Find the seeds of selfishness and uproot them―
Be honest with your inmost self―
Find out the naked truth of your own heart and try to uproot the weeds, which prevent the growth of your soul.
Your soul can never die, and will one day be reunited to God in its perfection.
Love is unselfish.
Even the earthly love, which is true thinks always of how it can help and bring happiness to the loved one.
Try to imagine how great and beneficent is the divine, all-sustaining, all-comprehending Love of God.
God who is Love itself sees and pities the sufferings of His children, but in His perfect knowledge, He sees that these sufferings, which are only real for time, and not for eternity, serve to develop and strengthen the growth of the individual.
A broken doll seems a sad and tragic thing to a sensitive child, but the mother knows that another day will bring forgetfulness and need of another toy.
In the light of eternity your greatest sufferings can be as easily consoled.
Any teaching, which helps humanity to believe that there is another life, and that the soul is strengthened by trials bravely met and weaknesses conquered is good, for it has that much fundamental truth.
When it reveals a God of Love, it is better, and if humanity could comprehend this divine Love, all suffering, even on earth, would cease.
Heaven means perfect happiness.
Where there is Absolute Knowledge and Infinite Love, there can be no doubt―no fear―no pain.
Your soul or spirit existed from all eternity in God’s divine intelligence.
In the fullness of time, and in harmony with His divine plan, His thought found expression in you, and you became endowed with free will and understanding.
Divinely implanted in you is the souvenir of the Creator, and your immortal destiny persists and guides you through life’s paths.
Errors of education and environment make your voice weak―you have all earth's accumulated faults and habits to combat.
The nearer you come to perfection on earth, the higher your intellectual and spiritual development will be―the clearer your perception will be when arriving in the world of spirits of the truth, and the greater your strength will be to meet the new conditions and duties.
You see clearly here the inevitable results of your past life, and realise that the waves set in motion by every thought and act of your earth-life go on forever.
One of your tasks here is to undo the harm of earth―to harmonise the discordant waves.
You must consciously will to learn and to fulfil your high destiny.
You are helped greatly if your spiritual development has made you prize the truth, as you were able to discern it.
If you gladly undertake your task of redemption, you catch glimpses of the illimitable and glorious possibilities beyond.
With your ever-widening vision and ever-increasing capacity for absorbing and reflecting Divine Love, you will be permitted to soar ever higher and ever nearer through the coming evolutions of your immortality to the divine centre―the Infinite God―the Generator of Life, of Love and of Light.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
Repeat this often and try to grasp its meaning.
Try to understand that each ray of that divine light will shine forever.
Try to realise that it really exists in each individual.
Try to help all you come in contact with to clear away the cobwebs of ignorance and error, which dim the light of this divine ray.
The ray is the immortal soul.
It will shine for all eternity.
If you help―even infinitesimally―to permit this ray to penetrate the earthly envelope, you are doing the work of the Saviour.
Never doubt its existence.
Never fear that the Love you give in thought and deed will be lost.
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