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20 July 2024

What always tend from seeming chaos and confusion?

Matter is only one of the forms in which spirit—or better, the principle of life—manifests itself.

Evolving spirit from matter is something like separating gold from the quartz in which it is embedded

When you once have it fine and perfect gold, how much more solid, condensed than when mingled in the hard ore with the flint and quartzmore solid because more condensed. 

It can be drawn out, spread, moulded, as the coarse, brittle quartz will not endure. 

It is more pliable, certainly, but pliability suggests density in its very action.

What is evolution?

It is spirit-conception thrown off from the mind of God, working upward, as the seed planted in the soil works out its possibilities toward reproducing the prototype of the plant from whence it came.

The ever-radiating possibilities from the All-pervading Mind, constantly acting upon the forces, fixed and fastened by immutable laws, must yet—like all things else in the universe—be subject to the law.

Having foreseen and ordained laws sufficient to control All That Is, the Omnipotent Mind must confine itself to the conditions of the self-imposed law, else God becomes the destroyer of his own creation.

All means, having been ordained, and all life brought forth as a revelation of His own power and glory, it is impossible to conceive that His will can ever come in conflict with his own plan, since His wisdom is omnipotent. 

The forces of creation are so balanced and harmonised that they always tend from seeming chaos and confusion to great glory and magnificent exhibition of power and wisdom.

No human mind loses anything by the radiations that it throws off—

The thoughts that it evolves out of itself only increase its own power to think.

Yet every good—or great thought that is dropped where it can take root in another mind may be helped on by that new mind to a larger and better conception of itself—

Be again thrown off into another receptive mind and again increased in power and beauty, and so on, indefinitely.

It is only a simple thought, thrown off from a working mind, yet it becomes vast and perhaps of power to move and sway many souls after enough successive stages of progression through mental activities.

Leaflets of Truth—or Light from the Shadow Land

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