Music, being such a vital element in the world of spirit, it is not surprising that a grand building should be devoted to the practice, teaching and the fostering of every description of music.
There are laws of music here, which have no application to the earth whatever because the earth is neither sufficiently progressed on the one hand, and on the other because the spirit world is of spirit, while the earth world is of matter.
Earthly ears are not attuned to music that is essentially of the spirit realms.
As students acquire a mastery over their instrument they can join one of the many orchestras that exist here—or they can limit their performance to their many friends.
In the spirit world all music is colour, and all colour is music.
The one is never existent without the other.
The eye is not wearied by the fullness of colour here.
Harmony is a fundamental law here.
There can be no confliction.
I do not suggest that spirit-lives are in a state of perfection.
They should be in an immensely higher realm if they were, but they are in perfection in so far as this realm is concerned.
If spirit-lives, as individuals, become more perfect than the realm in which they live, they, ipso facto, become worthy of advancing to a higher state, and they do so.
But while they are where they are, in this realm—or higher, they are living in a state of perfection according to the limits of that realm.
Here it is part of their life, not because they make it so, but because it is part of natural existence, as are flowers and trees, grass and water and hills and dales.
It is an element of spiritual nature.
Without it a vast deal of the joy would depart out of their lives.
They do not need to become master-musicians to appreciate the wealth of music that surrounds them in colour and sound, but as in so many other features of this life, they accept and enjoy to the full, and in the enjoyment of their heritage they can afford to smile at those who persist in believing that they live in a world of emptiness.
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