The silent voice of the Eternal One constantly whispers, Come up higher, O, my children, and participate in the joys of the Blessed around my Throne of Light!
Is everywhere made manifest—
Whose wisdom and whose goodness prove
That, of all friends, Thou art the best—
Which thy Omnific Hand hath given—
That we our prayers to Thee can lift,
The All-Presiding Soul of Heaven.
A Universal Brotherhood—
And feel that Thy all-searching eye
Is on the evil and the good!
Be rich in every Christian Grace—
Advancing upward nearer Thee,
Through all the realms of endless space.
For every blessing we enjoy—
And for the rich assurances
That Thou wilt every sin destroy.
On each dear child assembled here—
And may we feel, Father Blest,
That Thou art ever, ever near!
That we can visit those below,
And tell them of those radiant skies
Where everlasting pleasures flow—
The impress of Thy boundless love—
And raise it, from its darkened state,
Into the joys of worlds above.
We need to aid our progress on
To those eternal realms of bliss,
Where brighter scenes will on us dawn!
Those hearts by hate and discord bound—
Upon our efforts sweetly smile,
That they with vict'ry may be crowned.
And that Thy love will never end—
If friends prove false—or foes defame,
We know that Thou remain'st the same.
In Thee, our Anchor and our Guide—
For Thou, God, in weal or woe,
Wilt prove the truest friend we know!
Of Truth's most bright and glorious dawn—
We know, dear Father, that the night
But heralds forth the Coining Morn!
In Thy all-permeating love,
May we our heavenly work pursue,
Receiving strength from Thee alone.
On those dear ones who now have found
The pathway to those lands beyond,
Where Peace and Harmony abound.
To aid them in their glorious flight
From world to world, from sphere to sphere,
Upward to Thee, the Source of Light!
Exert their powers for others' good—
And labour zealously to bind
All hearts in one Great Brotherhood!
To others be imparted, too—
That they may also find the way
To Mansions of the Pure and True!
Thy Mighty Spirit to descend,
And cause our souls for evermore
In love and unity to blend.
From discord and from sin be free—
That every soul may bask within
The glorious light of Liberty.
We will our pleasant tasks renew,
And strive, in one united whole,
Thy Everlasting Will to do!
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