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08 January 2025

What does Matthew 25-40 really mean?

Verily, I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 

—Matthew 25:40

State Library of New South Wales | Alison Lee, stage name, Helene Lineva, and star of the Original Ballet Russe, 1939-1940, Sydney | Max Dupain

07 January 2025

Does your energy affect others?

Make time for yourself, choose your friends carefully, and spend time with people who energise you.

What does it mean that Jesus is the Savior?

The Saviour is never far off, but at your side―the Saviour does not wait until your journey's end to show His love in an outward and visible way, but step-by-step, as you progress, so are the gifts of the Spirit found on either side.

The Soyuz TMA-16 spacecraft approaches the International Space Station, carrying NASA astronaut, Jeffrey Williams, Expedition 21 flight engineer; Russian cosmonaut, Maxim Suraev, Soyuz commander and flight engineer, and spaceflight participant, Guy Laliberte | Expedition 20 Crew/NASA

Who is the one true God?

There is no God here save the One True God, and Christ who is His manifestation. 

An idolator, in spirit, asks if he might see Christ.

Shortly after this, Christ manifested Himself in dim light to him and to others who had newly arrived in the world of spirits because at this stage, they could not have endured a full exhibition of His glory, for His glory is so surpassing that even the angels look on Him with difficulties, and cover their faces with their wings (Isaiah vi.2).

When He does reveal Himself to anyone, He takes into account the particular stage of progress to which that soul has attained, so He appears dimly―or in the fuller light of His glory that the sight of Him may be endured.

Bathed in the rays of His life-giving light, and with the waves of His love, which constantly flow out from Him, flowing over all, all error is washed away.

Maxima clam (Tridacna maxima), Temple, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt | Diego Delso | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

What does Matthew 6 verse 19 mean?

Lay not up for yourselves treasures where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do break through and steal is a maxim, which you have heard often enough, but do you attend to it?

What does Matthew 6:19 mean?

Lay not up for yourselves treasures where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do break through and steal is a maxim, which you have heard often enough, but do you attend to it?

What are the expressions of the Holy Spirit?

Only in serving can the spirit within find full expression, only by loving can you contact with Love Divine, and only by laying self aside can you enter into the peace, which is of God.

3-D flyover of the Earthlike landscape of the Red Planet, as seen in Hidden Universe, released in IMAX® theatres and giant-screen cinemas around the globe and produced by the Australian production company December Media in association with Film Victoria, Swinburne University of Technology, MacGillivray Freeman Films and ESO. The original data were retrieved by the Mars Orbiter | NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/ESO | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

How will you balance the outer and inner self?

How do you adjust the inner with the outer self?

Happiness, health and prosperity are the results of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer, of you with your surroundings. Remember that.

Paul Petroff and Tamara Toumanova, 1940 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

How to achieve the ideal self?

Perceive an ideal and strive to reach it.

Ronette microphone | Max Dupain | AWA | State Library of New South Wales

What is the divine within me?

What is the thought factor in achievement?

You can only remain weak, abject and miserable by refusing to lift up your thoughts.

Refuse to remain weak, abject and miserable. Repeat daily, whetheror not you acknowledge it—

I carry within me the same qualities of the divine, for I exist within the mind of God and tap directly into that consciousness in every moment of my existence.

Jaguar with a new car radio, Sydney, ca 1951 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

What is the result of thinking?

What is the direct result of your own thoughts?

All you achieve and all you fail to achieve is the direct result of your own thoughts.

James Allen, As a Man Thinketh, Thomas Y. Crowell, New York, 1913, Chapter Five, The Thought Factor in Achievement, 34

Jan Fahey photographed for Kriesler promotion, September 1947 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

What is the impact of thought?

You do not attract that which you want, but that which you are. Your inmost thoughts and desires are fed with their own food, be it foul―or clean. The divinity that shapes our ends is in you―it is your very self. You are chained only by yourself. It is not what you wish and pray for that you get, but what you justly earn. Your wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when they harmonise with your thoughts and actions. In the light of this truth, what then is the meaning of fighting against circumstances? It means that you are continually revolting against an effect without, while all the time you are nourishing and preserving its cause in your heart.

James Allen, As a Man Thinketh, Thomas Y. Crowell, New York, 1913, Chapter Two, Effect of Thought on Circumstances, 15-6

Jean Lorraine, New South Wales, Australia, 1940 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

How to plan your dream life?

Nothing just happens. Planning your future is not an empty pastime. Dream dreams and build castles. Build the blueprint of your future happiness. Make plans, look forward joyfully to good times, and you will then be well on your way to materialise and help construct the thing into visible form.

Australian Tennis magazine cover shot, March 1953 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

How can you picture your future?

Always remember that cheerful thought is what renews your poise. Never brood over disaster. Forget it as rapidly as possible, and begin to make prosperous pictures of your future. Always picture the future, whether tomorrow, next yearor after death, as happy, as full of pleasant possibilities and happy incidents. You thus ensure your future against evil happenings.

Tamara Tchinarova in Les Presages, Sydney, 1939 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

What is the best solution to the problem of evil?

Always remember that cheerful thought is what renews your poise. Never brood over disaster. Forget it as rapidly as possible, and begin to make prosperous pictures of your future. Always picture the future, whether tomorrow, next yearor after death, as happy, as full of pleasant possibilities and happy incidents. You thus ensure your future against evil happenings.

Aluminium blues (self-portrait), 1935 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

Who do you trust most in the world?

Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.

Tamara Toumanova and Serge Lifar, Swan Lake, Sydney, 1939-1940 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

What is the eternal attribute of God?

What includes all the essentials?

Truth is one of God’s eternal attributes, and is synonymous with reality. The Ray of Light, which proceeds from the Word—or Infinite Intelligence gives eternal life. Without it, nothing could exist. 

Truth includes all the essentials. 

Spirit Meslom

What makes up a living soul?

What must be brought home to every living soul?

The great truths of active life in the spirit worldof retaining one's own personalityof many dividing places on this side, for the many types of souls in all stages of development, the fact that we, in the spirit world, are not formless ghosts, but living (wo)men with real bodies, the certainty of recognition among those who have loved each other on earth, together with the great long-forgotten truth of pre-existence, and the unalterable law that we pay for our wrongdoing ourselves are points, which must be brought home to every living soul.

The Witness

Rachel Cameron and Henry Legerton in the Kirsova Ballet, Les Sylphides, Max Dupain Studio, Sydney, between 1941-1944 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

What is the spiritual root of fear?

What are the seeds of fear?

There is nothing so apt to make one a bigot and sap from his nature all-natural kindness and love for his fellow man as to dwell in fear.

Harold Salvage sunbaking, The Sunbather from Camping trips on Culburra Beach | Max Dupain and Olive Cotton | State Library of New South Wales

How does the law of attraction work?

You attract all conditions into your life—all conditions exist because you allow them to.

Tamara Toumanova and Serge Lifar, Swan Lake, Sydney, 1939-1940 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

Did we exist before we were born?

Did man have an individual existence before he came into the Earth body?

I will give you my opinion. I believe that I, as Spirit, existed in the One Great Spirit, but had no individual existence until I came into the earth body.

Hafed, Prince of Persia

Pamela Bromley-Smith, partner of ballet dancer, Valentin Zeglovsky, 1947 |  Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

What enlightens your soul?

What feeds an enlightened soul?

An enlightened soul is without fear and is fed by the positive energy of the Universe, by the love of God. Remember that.

Paul Petrov in L'Oiseau de feu [The Firebird], Ballets Russes, Sydney, 1936-1937 | Max Dupain | State Library of New South Wales

What is the root cause of my sadness?

What is the excuse for half the unkindness in the world?

What is the cause of most of the sadness?

Not poverty of this world's wealth, but the poverty of loving thought.

One does not think―one forgets. One neglects for want of thought. We allow the love that is within to grow cold. For love dies when you never think of the person loved.

What is the main purpose of serving God?

The only way to serve the God who made us is to love our fellows.

Where exactly is heaven?

According to a Law of Divine Love, we cannot be happy, in knowing that life is eternal, without making every effort to awaken mortals to the truth of life beyond the earthly―heaven is a planet―or place with spheres―or belts, which are of themselves a universe to the inhabitants, each sphere being perfectly adapted to the wants of those inhabiting it.

Animated projection of a Dymaxion map—Chris Rywalt—Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

What is the meaning of soul progression?

Progression is the destiny to which every human soul is created. 

Sahrawi tribal men performing fantasia at the Tan-Tan (Moussem) Festival in Tan-Tan, Morocco - Maxim Massalitin (CC-by-SA-2.0)

How to improve low mood?

You yourself belong to the brighter country in the yellow light, and so, at all normal times, you are buoyant, cheerful.

Whenever you get low in your mind, it is always the result of a depressant from without, and at such times, you should go away somewhere and stay for hours.

You would be better at the park―or out of town, as many hours a day, as possible.

What is the true cause of happiness?

One should pray for light and peace, and then quit thinking of oneself at all. 

True happiness comes when one loses sight of oneself altogether. 

Let one just keep one's eyes open to the other fellow's need, and live a day at a time, giving as much happiness as one can to others each day. 

It is very simple, and quite easy, if one could only realise it.

What is the meaning of spirit and matter?

What becomes of the personality when one by sin drives the spirit out of him? 

The personality of (wo)man is Spirit, and Spirit returns to its source. 

There is matter, and there is Spirit, that is, there are two general and great divisions, and as matter returns to matter, Spirit returns to Spirit.

Insight (In Spirit)

Is it unwise to want to live forever?

Immortals return with a desire to accomplish a purpose.

What are the benefits of being immortal?

Immortals return with a desire to accomplish a purpose.

How would immortality affect society?

Immortals return with a desire to accomplish a purpose.

How can I build my own world?

Columbus cherished a vision of another world, and he discovered itCopernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and wider universe, and he revealed itBuddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he entered into it.

Cherish your visions, 
cherish your ideals, cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environmentof these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.

James Allen, As a Man Thinketh, Thomas Y. Crowell, New York, 1913, Chapter Six, Visions and Ideals, 39-40

Shell streamlined petrol tanker, ca 1935 | Milton Kent, Peter Anderson collection, Series 01 | State Library of New South Wales

How is memory a source of knowledge?

All knowledge is obtained by the use of memory.  

Take away a spirit's memory and it would remain a hollow, drivelling idiot.