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17 October 2024

How do I start living my truth?

Tell and live your truth.

How to find the light within yourself?

Look within for light.

What is a disembodied soul?

Mind—when disembodied—when freed from material substances—is powerful.

Material experiences are essential, for its growth in this power.

The soul, which partakes of the whole of the second form of essenic development in the body adheres to the spirit.

The soul adheres to the spirit.

The blood in these material organs promotes the growth, and is the life of the material body.

Spirit, being essence divine, the formation of which I have already explained—

Soul, which is electric life—

Material, which is animal life—

Together constitute (wo)man.

The electric maintains the material, for without the electric force, there could be no material—

This element gives vitality and activity, which constitute life.

This power inert within the body through material development imparts the substance to the spirit, which develops its power, and gives it strength to work out material effects and spirit as one.

In this wise, the soul, while encased within the physical body, imparts to the spirit, the conditions necessary, for the development of individuality.

At the death of the material body, when the cruder matter is thrown off, the soul unites itself with the spirit, and the two interblend as one.

The soul is then the envelope of the spirit—the external—

The spiritual intellect controls the whole—even as it controlled the material whole—or body, but having more power to produce effects upon the elements in the positive force of which it now has full control.

But this power can only be attained through material experiences, which impart power towards its development.

Experience after experience is necessary for cultivating the spirit's growth.

You require soil in which to plant seed.

The seed could not expand and develop without the material soil—

Even so, the spirit essence must be planted within the body, and the body develops the soul by partaking of solid substances, which are produced from the soil, equalising its nourishment, drawing from the elements, the mineral, and from the soil, the vegetable, and grows, according to its adaptation and composition.

If the germ of disease is imparted to the foetus, it cannot develop the same strength and vitality that it would if that germ had been omitted.

The rising generation should make this a study.

Sexual intercourse, for the production of offspring should not be indulged in unless the bodies are healthy and vigorous.

Nor should anything of the kind ever be permitted where the natures of the individuals are not opposite.

Two dispositions that are mentally alike should never unite in the bands of wedlock, for the organic substances, which develop the foetus are in similarity the same and permit of no variation of the elements required for the production.

Children produced from such parents do not have the organs, the phrenological organs, thoroughly developed.

They are more—or less indolent in nature, devoid of energy, and subject to carelessness.

All depends on organisation, for future progress, material success and spiritual culture.

This should be looked to by all who contemplate matrimony.

For much happiness could be attained and much suffering and sorrow be avoided by strictly observing this inert law.

If the human race would strive to acquaint itself with proper information in regard to reproduction—

If it would but give one-third more of its attention to perfecting its offspring, there would not be so much degradation and corruption among them.

I tell you, mortals can and have produced Gods.

—B. H. In Spirit