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16 June 2017


Those who have not yet attained to the spiritual plane of life may believe in the spiritual, and in the spiritual world, but they cannot possess any exact and personal knowledge of the spiritual, and of the spiritual world, until they have attained to the spiritual plane of life.

Exact knowledge of the spiritual world is possessed by but few, and those few are nearly all masters and seers, though some of them are persons who are nearing completion on the spiritual mental plane of life.

The amount of knowledge of things spiritual that we may possess depends upon our development and does not in any case extend beyond the first and second spiritual zones.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


Do not imagine that you live in the physical world. You only inhabit this world and that in an imperfect way.

All your senses fail you. You do not catch the sweetest melodies that are wafted to you on the wings of silence—melodies that come to you from each and every separate thing in nature. Nor do you behold the beauties of nature that are about you except imperfectly and with the eye of the camera, the telescope, the microscope, the x-ray and various other mechanical contrivances that have been suggested to you, and built for you, by those who have followed the suggestions and advice of spiritual entities of the higher spiritual worlds and zones.

If you had the eye of a camera, you might enjoy the beautiful and the various designs of a snowflake or an ice crystal. And if this eye had the power of the x-ray, you might see through many physical material solids, even as these are seen through by the x-ray, and by those spiritual entities who have attained to the spiritual world.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


All life is spirit. Spirit-life is the only kind of life there is in the universe, except the life of the different physical material forms or bodies that contain spirit-life. And these physical material forms or bodies have no life, except when they are in contact with spirit-life as a life-giving or generating force.

All life is spirit. And the life that is in man is a child-life; is a life that is still in the infant or childhood period of its development. Though this life that is in man has been in course of evolution from the remotest period of time, yet it has only obtained in the most highly developed—in those who are about to depart this life to return in physical form no more—a state of development that corresponds to the physical life of a child of seven to eleven years of age.

There are no matured spirit-lives in human form; no spirits that have attained to maturity either in this world nor in the first spiritual zone. The minute that a spirit-life has reached a spiritual development where a physically constructed body and intellect are no longer necessary to its development, it is transferred to the spiritual world.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


Just as the spirit-life in the early stages of its development in the physical world is forced to rapidly change its physical material abode and pass rapidly through many births and deaths, so does the spirit-life, upon its entrance into the spiritual world, find that it must pass rapidly through many changes before it can be certain that it will not have to return to earth to complete its development, or to secure a little more spiritual vitality.

The spirit-life's ability to remain in the spiritual world depends entirely upon its vitality; depends entirely upon whether it can be depended upon to continue its journey without the protection of a physical body and a physically constructed intellect.

I might add in this connection that mentality is in some mysterious way closely connected with the development of the inner or spirit-life. And the more we cultivate and strengthen ourselves in this life, on the side of our intellect, the more and better equipped we are for the struggle that awaits us on the other side.

The life is in the mentality. It is in the uniting and the blending of the spiritual and the physical mentality that we approach nearest to the spiritual world. And those spirits on the other side who attained to a high state of both spiritual and mental development while here are the best equipped for their journey over there.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


If you would visit the spiritual world, you must do so through the subconscious life, which is the life of the spirit. You must go from within out. That is, you must leave your physical body behind and actually enter the spiritual world, as one who has a right to enter. You may be able to do this, and you may not. All depends upon your knowledge of things occult and upon the point to which you have attained in your spiritual development.

The world of the spirit and the world of the physical body intermingle and interpenetrate each other in what is known as the first spiritual zone, and you should be able, while still living in a physical body, to withdraw from this body for brief periods of time and enter into the first spiritual zone.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


The spiritual world is a world of refined matter that is not sufficiently condensed or compact to be seen with the physical eye. It is a world of life that is vibrating at a rate of vibration per second that is beyond that which the physical eye can register. Because this is so, many men in their ignorance assume that the spiritual world does not exist; that it is all a delusion and that nothing is real that does not happen to fall within the narrow range of their limited faculties, or senses.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


The spiritual world is a world that is seething and teeming with life and activity. Intense activity is going on there, as well as here, though the activity of the spiritual world is directed more toward the beautiful and less toward that which we call the practical than is the activity of this earthland.

To one who has observed this ceaseless activity of the spiritual world, the unpracticality of the practical becomes more and more apparent and he is forced to the conclusion that the real business of life is just to live; to get out of each successive life the most possible good—that is, beauty and development.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


The spiritual world co-exists with the physical world and the universe. It is within, and around, and about, and intermingled with all physical matter.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


Everything that belongs to the spiritual world and that contains supernatural beauty lies concealed behind the invisible. And the invisible is the spiritual.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


The world in which we live is still at the beginning of its history, though it is many millions of years older than most of us have any idea or suspect.

Man appeared on this planet only yesterday, and tomorrow man will have disappeared, for the successor of this very remarkable species is on its way.

There are some who think that in man physical nature has reached her highest point and that nothing superior to man is to be expected, or is possible. But in this, the successor to the human species being on its way, they are mistaken.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


The physical material universe is of no great importance in the scheme of things. It is not necessary to life, but only to the maintenance of a certain kind of life.

This universe could be blotted out of existence today and nothing would be lost. Not an atom of the invisible elements of which the physical material universe is composed would be in any way harmed or destroyed, and all could be reassembled, reformed, recreated, or made new. Such a vast change has come to pass many times in the history of the physical material universe.

If the physical material world, of which we know, were to be destroyed today and to be reformed and made new, perhaps the world that would replace it, or be made out of it, would be a much superior world to the one of which we know.

Nothing would be required in this reformation except a little time—a few thousand centuries, which compared to all eternity is not so long as one second of our time compared to the length of any one of our physical lives.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


That which the intellect perceives in the physical world as law reveals itself to the spiritual ear as harmony, melody, and the spirit-life is guided toward the truth of things spiritual by keeping in tune with the harmonies of the spheres, or in other words, with such musical sounds as register on the spiritual ear.

We are guided along the way by melodies that grow sweeter and more sublime the nearer we approach their source—the higher spiritual planes of life.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


No spirit-life that is in human form can enter the second and higher spiritual zones, yet actual scenes from within these zones are sometimes flashed to us in moments of illumination.

In such moments, we sometimes catch glimpses of landscapes, plants, flowers, rivers, lakes and various other things that are of the second and higher spiritual zones.

The flowers of the second spiritual zone are beautiful, and in some respects resemble those of the earth plane, from which they may have come through having attained their physical completion.

I know not from whence these flowers of the second spiritual zone have come, but I know that the few varieties which it has been my pleasure to observe are very beautiful, with a delicate, spirit-like beauty that is not in form, nor shape, nor colour, and that cannot be described in words.

Unless the spiritual world has been illuminated for you, and you have caught a few glimpses of its landscapes, flowers, foliage and other life thereon, it is useless for me to continue, for I can bring to you no description that you will understand, or that will convey to you any impression whatever.

The flowers of the second spiritual zone do not grow in such profusion that they get in the way, and must be stepped upon. Rather, flowers are rarer in the second spiritual zone than here and seem to have been planted and cared for with more love and devotion than is usually bestowed upon flowers, at least upon this earth plane of ours.

Among the flowers of the second spiritual zone, there are some in shades and colours that are entirely unknown to me, some in shades and colours that I have never observed before, and know do not exist in the physical material world.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


Intense activity upon every plane of life, and especially on the spiritual plane, tends to harmony and produces a state of rest, or rather a state of ease that greatly resembles rest, and that is very soothing and elevating.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


The physical body that contains our spirit body, and our spirit-life, and all the elements from which other physical bodies are produced is composed largely of air, water and gases, intermingled and woven together by an intelligence that is concealed in nature, and that is working through the electromagnetic and vitochemical life elements within us. However, the spirit-life, which is us, also plays its part in the modelling and the fashioning of the physical body that is to contain it, and also those physical bodies that are to contain other spirit-lives that are journeying toward our earthland.

We have much to do with preparing the physical houses for the spirit-lives that are coming toward us, but these spirit-lives, through a law in nature, choose the avenue through which each shall enter the physical world.

We assume that we create the life that is given birth through us, but that life was created a hundred thousand centuries or more back and has been evolving toward completion through all these years, even as we are evolving toward completion.

The spirit-life that enters the physical world through a physical body of our creation does so through the law of attraction and selection, and of vibratory correspondence and, therefore, must of necessity be in some way like us.

We do not give life, but we prepare the way for the life that is evolving toward us and build the houses in which this life shall enter, and for a few brief years dwell.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


Sounds are closely related to the physical material and do not exist, in the sense in which we know sounds, in the more rarefied atmospheres of the spiritual worlds above that of the first spiritual zone.

All spiritual zones above the first are filled with an eternal silence, in a physical sense. Yet in these zones, there are sounds, and continuous melodies, and the sweetest music, but not attuned to the physical ear, nor to the ear that has not attained to the spiritual refinement of the sphere in which the sounds exist.

In fact, there are sounds and melodies in the physical material worlds that are not attuned to the physical ear and are heard only by the spirit-lives of the first spiritual zone, and occasionally by someone in human form who spiritually is highly developed.

All nature is attuned to music and each separate thing in nature has its own melody which it prefers to render

Silence is merely sound that has reached a spiritual refinement; sound that is not heard except by a life of the same vibratory refinement as that of the sound that is heard through the silence—through that which to all others is silence.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923

11 June 2017


There are zones in the physical human world as well as in the spiritual world and each of these zones is set off from the others by boundary lines that are invisible. The boundary lines of each of these physical human zones are composed of human experience, knowledge, perception, grasp; spiritual, physical and mental development and many other things besides.

Some human spirit-lives spend all of one lifetime within the boundaries of one of these physical human zones, while other spirit-lives traverse in one lifetime all of the physical human zones and arrive at death at a point in their development from which it will not be necessary for them to return again in human form to the physical material world.

Each species of life represents a zone and each zone is divided into a number of other zones, representing the different stages of development of the life of that species.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923


The human body is composed largely of water and gases—of substances of which the different particles are widely separated and so the human body and all physical bodies that contain life appear to the spiritual perception much as a phantom appears to us. That is, vaguely, indefinitely, not so clearly as most physical material substances appear.

Growing spiritually, Spiritual Growth Books, Spirit Writings, Spiritual Inspiration, Spiritual Wisdom, Spirit World, Spirit Life


All material, be it spiritual or physical is transparent to spiritual vision. That is, it can be seen through.

Each particle of physical material is sufficiently separated from each and every other particle of physical material that to the perception of those spirit-lives that have attained to the other side, physical material as a solid does not exist but is seen as a cluster or number of physical material particles or atoms that are held more or less closely together by the law of affinity and the law of vibratory activity. And between each of these different particles of physical material, there exists a space that is sufficiently large for a spirit-life to see or to pass through.

Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Benjamin F. Woodcox, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923