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31 October 2016

The sleepless, unclouded vision of the spirit

I know that angels now can leave their bright abodes above,
And visit those on earth to them allied by ties of love;
Can stamp upon their plastic souls the impress of their care,
And bid them, while they dwell below, for richer joys prepare.

I know that they can cheer the heart with grief and sorrow pressed,
And point it to that brighter world, where weary ones find rest;
And where the soul will bask beneath this glorious Beacon-Light,
Which shines unclouded in the Heavens of Justice, Truth, and Right!

Twelve Messages from the spirit of John Quincy Adams through Joseph D. Stiles, medium to Josiah Brigham, Bela Marsh Publishers, Boston, 1859

Loyal Devotion

May God, dear brethren, crown your souls

With heavenly beauties, rich and rare;

And mould, upon your earthly lives,

The Impress of His Love and Care,

May glory mark your onward flight,

To Spheres of Everlasting Joy,

Where Happiness and endless Light

Shine forth undimmed, without alloy.

May holy angels wreathe for you

Unfading garlands, fresh and fair,

And place them on your mortal brows

As tokens of their faithful care;

And may each gentle influence

Reflect o'er all a brilliant glow,

And draw them nearer to that world

Where richest pleasures ever flow.

0, may the Star of Truth and Love

Diffuse o'er you its cheering rays,

And guide your souls to God above,

In never-ceasing prayer and praise!

For every blessing you enjoy

His Loving Hand to you imparts;

To Him alone should you ascribe

The grateful homage of your hearts.

Push forward, friends, the sacred work

Which God unto you now has given;

Assist the panting soul to find

The glorious path which leads to Heaven.

0, aid the fallen ones to rise;

Pour in their wounds the oil of love,

And dry the tears from weeping eyes,

By words of cheer from realms above!

Twelve Messages from the spirit of John Quincy Adams through Joseph D. Stiles, medium to Josiah Brigham, Bela Marsh Publishers, Boston, 1859

30 October 2016


Heaven is not a far-off place,
Removed from us by boundless space;
But that around, within, above,
Is seen and felt our Heaven of Love!

Twelve Messages from the spirit of John Quincy Adams through Joseph D. Stiles, medium to Josiah Brigham, Bela Marsh Publishers, Boston, 1859

The Light of Unconscious Inspiration

We'll prove to thee that angels can from their celestial land,
Converse with those who linger still upon Time's rocky strand;
Can hover near to bless their hearts with words of Truth and Love,
And lift them to a closer walk with God and Heaven above.

We'll prove to thee that thou canst still in tones of eloquence,
Breathe forth thy noblest sentiments in Freedom's dear defence;
That thou canst visit still those Halls where much of life you spent,
And where the highest powers of mind in Justice's cause were lent!

Twelve Messages from the spirit of John Quincy Adams through Joseph D. Stiles, medium to Josiah Brigham, Bela Marsh Publishers, Boston, 1859

Angelic Impressions

From time immemorial, the soul of man has been an unconscious recipient of angelic impressions.

Angelic Inflowings

We have always been the recipients of angelic inflowings. The lives of great men prove this fact conclusively. Columbus furnishes, in his first dangerous voyage across the mighty ocean, an example of the guidance of heavenly agencies, and of their holy, invisible guardianship. The Life of Washington, also, reflects an instance of the supernal guidance of guardian angels. What but the deep breathings of their still, small voices could have fortified his soul against the tide of oppression which threatened to overwhelm him and his little army in one common ruin?

Revere the ways of God

Revere the ways of God even when you do not understand them.

God's seeking grace

No vapour ever clouds our souls when the ray of God's seeking grace penetrates to us.

Let the Lord manage

Let the Lord manage

Commit your ways to Him.

Living Witness

God's earthly creation is a living witness to the excellence of its author.