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17 October 2016

Trust upon the Lord, thy God

Trust upon the Lord, thy God, and thou shalt be freed from the universal earth-bound thought of death, which is unreal and which can never enter into the spiritual aura, which is the reflection of the Divine and perfect.

Prayer Thoughts

Prayer thoughts are above all others. A prayer is a sacred tribute to God.

Night Thoughts

When you close your eyes to sleep, first place your mind in a spiritual attitude and utter a prayer, audibly or inwardly. Never go to sleep until you have protected your subconsciousness, your conscious mind and your physical brain with good thoughts and prayers. Thrust out all thoughts but the good and unselfish ones. Never mentally treat or pray for anyone without his consent or request. Always be careful not to force your thoughts into spiritual channels. Attract those sacred, true thoughts easily, without conscious effort. Later, when you lie down to sleep, you will naturally think along spiritual lines. Excitement before going to sleep disturbs the mind when it is preparing to leave the body for the night's crusade; be careful to calm yourself as much as possible. Keep happy thoughts but do not allow them to excite you and disturb the quiet action of the physical heart and brain. When in a happy mood, pray as often as in a depressed one, for prayer thoughts are above all others. A prayer is a sacred tribute to God.

Advancement in the Astral

We cannot advance in the astral while we allow thoughts of material beauty and passion to command our mentality.

God does not condemn

We learn to know bitterness because we condemn and judge. God does not condemn nor does he judge.

Fate assigns the test

I have often wondered about the law of reincarnation. Will you please make it clear to me?

There are within the one law, several rules. A being is reincarnated so that he may learn new lessons; if he passes, he need never again meet similar tests. There is no partiality in the astral. Everyone in time is given a happy life to live upon the earth. If in the course of events pertaining to this life, he does only good and clings to the truth learned by many a previous struggle, when he returns to the astral, he will be given an insignia. Each time a soul qualifies, there is written in the Book of Fate, the word Truth. One who disobeys the rules of the astral is ordered to return to the earth to repeat past lessons; if he passes the tests, he will be able to enter the White Circle and perform the duties of the members.

But I was told once that those who wanted to return to earth could do so if they willingly took lives inferior to their advancement, and which were not assigned to them in the Book of Fate.

Yes, that is possible in certain cases. For instance, when one has qualified in other tests and his mental reflection has been more nearly perfected, he will be allowed to go before the Court of Adjustment and ask for a stated time at which to return to the earth and overcome all longing for the physical. After consideration by the highest order, the request will be answered, although one is seldom permitted to choose the life he will live on earth. Fate assigns the test.

Pray for guidance in sleep

Realise the necessity of praying for guidance in sleep as well as guidance when awake. Sleep is the shutting away of the material so as to permit the earthly body to relax and the soul to advance into the astral.

The Second Plane of the Dreamers

The second plane of the dreamers is a very high state of thought. The dreamers who come to this realm in their sleep are highly advanced souls and their studies are similar to the ones in the advanced classes in the astral. But there are thousands of human beings so physical that they do not attend any school when asleep. They travel about the earth, seeking adventure and pleasure. They are called earth-bound materialists. Sometimes, they go great distances, seeking material thoughts and sensations through different channels. We would be surprised to learn the cunning manner in which they intrude into the material surroundings of others. They are similar to entities who have passed through the stage of so-called death. They disturb many a peaceful dreamer and cause the sense of disturbing nightmare.

Some are anxious to see people they know and will travel thousands of earthly miles through space and seek out their mind's pictures. Some, in love physically, often seek each other during sleep and spend hours together. It is wrong to seek physical companionship while asleep. This is the important time in which the physical may enter the realms of the astral and learn that which will be helpful both in the earthly experiences and when passing over to the astral. There would be very few earth-bounds if there was a desire in every physical brain to advance and attend a class during sleep. Some are given the privilege of travelling about the earth for some particular mission, but not for physical pleasure and sensation. They are chosen for that duty, to learn something, which may prove of aid to them in their advancement. The Law of the Astral does not often pardon the soul, which takes the sleeping period to gain something, which is rankly physical. There comes a time when that individual will fall down to the depths below the Black Circle. We do not realise the necessity of praying for guidance in sleep as well as guidance when awake. Sleep is the shutting away of the material so as to permit the earthly body to relax and the soul to advance into the astral.

Thoughts are living things

Thoughts are living things. Good thoughts exist forever, but the end of evil thought is disbelief in them. That is why the astral schools are so careful in training man to know how to express thoughts, which are to benefit him and others.

16 October 2016

The Plane of Dreamers

The Plane of Dreamers is the plane where we visit while sleeping. It consists of schools of different classes. While out of our physical bodies, an advanced soul takes the form of his semi-astral appearance and goes to school, learning things, which will help him in his physical existence

King Edward has promised Lord Kitchener to take him to visit the planet of dreamers

Heavy atmosphere on this planet!

Yes. It is because this plane is lower than the ones we left. This appearance of fog is due to the surrounding thoughts of the physical. This is the plane of the dreamers. Their material and spiritual thoughts are congested and somewhat confused. In his sleep, the advanced mortal may rise to more spiritual realms of thought where greater lessons are learned. 

Lord Kitchener notices, as they walk along, the hazy atmosphere is filled with many fleeting dark shadows and flashes of coloured lights. They enter a low building, which seems quite deserted.

They sit down in a rather barren room. They leave the room silently and proceed down a wide passage. Lord Kitchener hears an apparently faraway rumble and thinks it sounds like many voices in conversation.

We will enter, says King Edward, as he takes hold of a doorknob.

There are hundreds of forms sitting in rows. Their faces appear darker in colour than the astral faces, their bodies more porous, and in most cases, they wear an expression of worry and distress, although a few appear to be happy.

They cannot see us.

No, we are invisible to them because they are partly physical and unless we wish to make ourselves known, they have no way of realising our actual presence. There may be some who will feel us, but not the majority.

A white-robed man approaches them. He conducts them down to the front of the room and into a booth from which they can hear and see all that takes place. Lord Kitchener takes a careful look about the room and sees that most of the occupants wear robes of white, although a few are clad in grey. He notices also that hoods cover their hair completely. Upon the first finger of each hand is a broad, plain gold ring, and on the left side of the chest is the symbol, H, and two small yellow wings.

All keep their eyes intently upon a teacher on the platform, standing by a table, which supports a large crystal.

Class, he speaks softly, with a quieting effect, you are to concentrate upon the plate and visualise the lessons I give you. Try to understand your dreams and you will be helped by them. Sometimes, the physical brain works the subconsciousness into a state of material thought, and the confusion causes the dreams (or night-thoughts, as we call them here) to be slightly mixed. I am giving you an idea to work out that you may learn to discriminate concerning your dreams. If in the morning you awaken with an idea that the dream afforded you was either a warning or a message of good, use discretion and follow it out carefully in your physical life if you wish to receive benefit. Always analyse a dream from several viewpoints, but use your own intuitional powers to discriminate between its various aspects.

When you close your eyes to sleep, first place your mind in a spiritual attitude and utter a prayer, audibly or inwardly. Never go to sleep until you have protected your subconsciousness, your conscious mind, and your physical brain with good thoughts and prayers. Thrust out all thoughts but the good and unselfish ones. Never mentally treat or pray for anyone without his consent or request. Always be careful not to force your thoughts into spiritual channels. Attract those sacred, true thoughts easily, without a conscious effort. Later when you lie down to sleep you will naturally think along spiritual lines. Excitement before going to sleep disturbs the mind when it is preparing to leave the body for the night's crusade; be careful to calm yourself as much as possible. Keep happy thoughts but do not allow them to excite you and disturb the quiet action of the physical heart and brain. When in a happy mood, pray as often as in a depressed one, for prayer thoughts are above all others. A prayer is a sacred tribute to God. 

When you arrive here, try to forget the troubles, which beset you upon the earth. Know they are lessons by which you will surely profit if you do not allow them to engulf you. Lessons, which are bitter are the foundations of the higher realisation. Happiness comes when man knows the truth and that truth will make him free of every disturbance, which mentally or physically tries to distress him without legal rights under the Divine Supreme Law. If in this incarnation you pass some of the most difficult tests, be comforted for you will not suffer them again. Your trials and tribulations will pass into the dust of the material. You will be free when you stand and face the law of adjustment. Learn to forgive, and learn to love your brother. 

Take these words back to earth with you. You will find great comfort upon awakening if you have listened carefully and believe what is said. If you try to absorb what you are given here and realise the truth, you will find your lessons will not seem so bitter; you will possess the knowledge that the suffering you go through is a test, and you will strive to pass it without complaint. Listen to the words of the astral teachers and you will be free from fear of death, disaster, trouble, and unhappiness.

I want you to concentrate upon the crystal. I shall call you by name, and I want each to answer and stand before the class. The picture, which comes into the crystal will be the dream to be impressed upon your subconscious mind and imprinted later upon the conscious mind and the physical brain.

For a moment, everyone is still and the class sits in absolute silence. He addresses one of the number—William Hollis, please stand.

A youth in white robes rises to his feet and folds his arms. His face is slightly clouded, although his general aspect is more prepossessing than many of the others. He seems to have a certain amount of self-control, and he looks straight into the eyes of the teacher.

Watch the crystal and then tell the class what you see within it, requests the teacher.

He bows. In a moment, the crystal flares; he begins to speak.

I see a long bridge and beneath it there are flowers. There is a mountain in the distance. I see myself walking along the bridge. There is a snake hidden in the flowers. The mountain is topped with a bright light. There seem to be others travelling along the path leading from the bridge up the mountain. The snake speaks to me. I stop to listen. The bridge suddenly becomes unstable. I stumble and reach out a hand toward the mountain, although I incline my head toward the voice of the snake. The crystal is growing black with clouds, which seem to cover the mountain in the distance. The bridge has grown vague and the snake has come forth from its hiding to beset me. I hesitate as if uncertain as to what to do. The picture has faded; another takes its place. I seem to be in an automobile going toward the desert and an accident happens—something goes wrong with the machinery. I see myself lying unconscious; blood is upon my face. Beside me is someone who appears to be seriously, if not fatally, injured. 

Allow me to take the impression of both dreams to earth with me. I believe I know their meaning.

You may, replies the teacher.

I have a certain personal acquaintance. I know he is the snake in the grass planning to bring me trouble. I will remember that and I will be guided away from him and toward the mountain of truth. I have been planning to take an automobile trip to the desert with my brother. I will not go at the present; allow me to be impressed strongly concerning the dream when I first awaken, and I will know that it is not best to go.

You shall take these dream-imprints back to earth with you when you return. They will avert some trouble, which is unnecessary.

The teacher passes his hands over the crystal. He murmurs some words, and presently the light comes again into the crystal. In it, there are shadowy forms.

Donald Reed, he calls.

A youth with rather sad, dark eyes rises slowly. He hesitates a moment, and then begins—

I see within the crystal two men fighting with knives. There seems to be a third form in the background. A snake is in the shadows. I see a terrible cloud settle and the snake crawls forward toward the two. I can hear a cruel laugh. It comes from the indistinct form. II— He covers his face with his hands. It is true—Can it be? He slowly lifts his head. She is trying to bring my downfall—she laughs and laughs—no! no! I do not want to believe that of the woman I love. He bows his head.

The teacher speaks. It is true; she laughs. 

The youth lifts his head and his eyes flash.

If it is true, allow her to speak before me and tell the truth!

There is a long moment of silence and when the teacher speaks, he lifts his hands. You shall hear the truth from her. He shakes his head. Your fated life is not with her; you would have trouble and never would accomplish the work you have been given to do on the earth. She is not advanced along your lines and would bring you great sorrow. She loves another and wants you only for physical gain and luxury.

The youth clasps his hands and his eyes become clouded. May she speak for herself of her deception?

A slender girl with large brown eyes rises in the rear of the room. She meets his eyes. The teacher is right. I am false to you when upon the earth—you are not fated in my life. I wanted to have you for the physical gain. I could not pass my test if I had you, and I will have that test to pass before I leave the physical, and you could not be of any assistance to me. You would be forced out of my life and so I tell the truth for your sake. Now is the time for us to separate. I did not want to tell you; I want the luxury you are able to give me—I do not want to give you up.

The teacher looks towards her. You have spoken the truth and your material desires are cast aside. He will go, free to accomplish his work of art.

Allow me to take this impression back to earth with me, so I may know the truth inwardly and the physical will not tempt or deceive me.

You shall take the imprint back with you—you will be free.

The youth gazes into the girl's eyes until he disappears. When he has gone, she sinks to her seat and bows her head. 

King Edward explains

Some impressions from dreams are the turning point. He will go now with the imprint upon his subconscious mind tremendously impressing him, and he will gradually drift from the girl. She will go her way also, to learn her lesson.

The crystal's light slowly fades but comes to a glow again when the teacher lifts his hands. Winifred McQuire.

A little woman rises. Her face glows. I see a woman with a small child at her knee. She is smiling up at a man who stands with a letter. She takes it from him and opens it. Her body is trembling. It is from Philip; he is alive on the earth. She holds out her arms. I have waited for his return, wondering if he lived physically. Ah, allow me to take the impression back to earth to keep as a comfort until he returns.

I am satisfied and happy to give you the privilege of taking back with you such a comforting dream, replies the teacher.

She clasps her hand. I will be contented with the impression. I will try to discern the meanings of my dreams, and I learn a great deal through them. Slowly, she fades into the atmosphere.

The Message—Lord Kitchener Lives (received by Ala Mana), Volume I, Grafton Publishing Corporation, California, 1922