/> Light Your Spirit: Wellness Inspiring Spiritual Health: Rules for Happy Living UA-45840438-1

Be soothed, inspired and instructed to live life in fulfilment of that Great Law—Love to God and Man

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Showing posts with label Rules for Happy Living. Show all posts

05 February 2023

Prioritize sleep.

Prioritise sleep to help you counter irritability, brain fog, and so on.

Sleep by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

Breathe deeply.

Your mind cannot fully relax unless your body is relaxed. Remember to breathe deeply.

Breathe by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

Have a cheerful attitude towards life.

Choose to develop the habit of having a cheerful attitude toward life.

Happiness by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

Choose your friends carefully.

Make time for yourself, choose your friends carefully, and spend time with people who energise you.

What is right thinking?

Remember; every day, choose the right thoughts, the right words, and the right actions.

The Perfect Child by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

04 February 2023

Avoid negative thinking.

Remember; always avoid negative thinking; it shuts off your good.

Ego by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

Direct your thoughts and feelings.

Begin now to control and direct your thoughts and feelings.

Devotion to God by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

What is logical Law?

Through your thoughts and inspiration, you weave for yourself your future place in the next dimension. This is a logical Law.

Law by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

Do you know what you really want?

More than anything else in the world, what do you want?

Do you know what you really want?

Supposing you really know what you want, here is what to do to make your reality come true―

I want to be a successful writer.

As I consider my thoughts and feelings, I realise I impress my mind with my now-reality―I am not a successful writer. I want to be successful but my “wanting” implies a lacking of something required or necessary or usual.

This is what I must do―right now―to call forth my new reality.

I am a successful writer. Thank you, God, for your perfect gifts. Thank you, God, for your gift of sweet success. I grow richly!

Remember―forget past and future. It does not exist. There is only now, and now is the time.

I affirm/impress/reinforce this thought in my mind more than a hundred times a day and I do this faithfully, knowing that my dream is about to become true.

I am patient while I await my shower of perfect blessings. I look forward to my new-found success.

It's really that simple.

Success by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

Watch your thoughts!

Watch your thoughts!

Watch Your Thoughts by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

How do you change your destiny?

Change your thoughts and you change your destiny.

Destiny by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

You are held only by your thoughts.

You are held only by your thoughts. If they are free, you are free.

Free by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

02 February 2023

Keep your thoughts pure.

Keep your thoughts pure that you may not be the means of doing injury to others. 

It is equally true that you may unconsciously do considerable good in the world by simply living a good life, and thus influencing others, not so much by your example, as by your personal magnetic sphere, which is beneficial to the morally diseased with whom you come into contact. 

An unequal amount of good may be done by one who leads a pure life in the midst of the impure, as by one who gives thousands away in charity. 

The one gives spiritual benefits and the other bestows temporal advantages. 

You confer benefits by your example but also by your personal magnetic sphere; the good is not only confined to the healthy influence of your own presence but is likewise enhanced by the healthy influence of the spirit friends you bring with you. 

Pure Thoughts by Picasso | Stablecog Generator

27 January 2023

Have your fill of your freedom.

Have your fill of the freedom and enjoyment of your existence here.

Flowers of Neillia affinis | Agnes Monkelbaan | (CC BY-SA 4.0)

08 January 2023

Extricate yourself from that intense remorse.

Forbid those bitter self-reproaches, that intense remorse, that personal loathing of self because it fails so ignominiously to rise above its environment. Extricate yourself from that and disown the notion that the distance between you and Christ is so great that it can never be bridged; that it is no use continuing the task, no use trying to accomplish what is foreshadowed to failure.

Shop lamps at Djeema el Fma Square, Marrakesh, Morocco | I. Barrios/J. Ligero | CC BY-SA 3.0

Forbid that personal loathing of Self.

Forbid those bitter self-reproaches, that intense remorse, that personal loathing of self because it fails so ignominiously to rise above its environment. Extricate yourself from that and disown the notion that the distance between you and Christ is so great that it can never be bridged; that it is no use continuing the task, no use trying to accomplish what is foreshadowed to failure.

Mikael Carlson's Blériot XI/Thulin A 1910 | Julian Herzog | CC BY 4.0

Look at things in a practical way.

Look at things in a practical way—forbid those bitter self-reproaches, that intense remorse, that personal loathing of self because it fails so ignominiously to rise above its environment. Extricate yourself from that and disown the notion that the distance between you and Christ is so great that it can never be bridged; that it is no use continuing the task, no use trying to accomplish what is foreshadowed to failure.

A plasma ball | Colin/Wikimedia Commons  CC BY-SA 3.0

Hand yourself over to the guidance of the Spirit.

Hand yourself over to the guidance of the Spirit.

Working under the direction of God, lead your thoughts into the channels, which are of Him; on to that broad, unbounded plane of realisation, when you will see the necessity of sinking your differences and of working and striving and battling together so that Right may prevail and Love be established for all time.

Portrait of Rosa Raisa, soprano (1893-1963) | Herman Mishkin  (1871–1948) | Archivio Storico Ricordi | CC BY-SA 4.0

14 July 2022

Belief is a magical thing!

In life, like begets like. This is a simple truth.

If I believe I am unloved, I think and feel I am unloved. This belief attracts life experiences or conditions that mirror back what I think and feel. It’s that simple! I create my own reality.

Let’s consider this simple prayer

Dear God

Please send me someone to love.

What is the thought behind my prayer? What is my reality here now?

Love eludes me.

Let's consider a new approach:

Dear God

Thank you for loving me.

Do you see?

There is a shift in awareness. Love is all around me. I AM loved.

Belief is a magical thing!

I AM loved attracts life experiences or conditions that mirror back what I think and feelI live my being in truth, love and joy.

Our birthright is to be happy.

Please let's not forget!


Male chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) | Michael Maggs | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic

08 April 2022

What makes me suffer?

What makes you suffer? 

How can you get more peaceful? 

How can you get less irritable? 

How can you be more loving to other people?

There is just one way to become more peaceful and that is to realise that you are a child of God, and that God not only takes care of you, but also your family and friends.

Realise absolutely, the absolute believing, that you are a child of God; that you are in this physical embodiment purposely to learn the lessons most necessary for you; that He is with you, and is watching over you. And if you show the right attitude of mind, or the true desire to do the right thing, you will not only be helped, but will hear the answer plainly, or at the very least, will be led into doing that which is right.

Nothing can keep you back that is not your business. 

Nothing can keep you back from lifting the curtain on your own life but it is not your business to lift the curtain from anyone else's life. 

You must do your own work and be cheerful, happy, and helpful, but you must not even try to do someone else's work. 

Suggest perhaps what you think is wise and then leave them alone, for each one must take the Karma of what he decides to do. 

Each one must take the Karma of what he decides to do. 

So if you tell others to do something against their will, then, as the old Scotchman says, 

They will surely be of the same opinion still.

Mind your own affairs, attune yourself to the God of Love, and let all your household, and their various duties, rest in His great love. 

Know absolutely that whatever is best for them will come to them and no amount of worry or the disturbance of your own conditions can possibly change it. 

But pray that they may be enlightened and guided to do and follow that which is best.

Girl with a white angora rabbit, 1930s | Sam Hood | State Library of New South Wales