In the third sphere, you find a wonderful likeness to some portions of earth, especially the tropics, with their luxuriant shrubs and flowers, birds of beautiful plumage and melodious song.
Amid these scenes, you have lofty mountains whose tops are crowned with verdure, while some have beautiful snow—or whose pure white, feathery softness resembles the snow of earth, yet not the same in texture.
Beautiful flowers of pink and rosy hue cover the surface, emitting a fragrance that fills the atmosphere with a living presence of their exhalations.
Sections of this sphere are covered by towns and villages filled with earnest, working beings who are carrying out their plans of life—as upon earth—being satisfied to live and move within the limits of its conditions.
Here are grand old plantations, with scenery and domestic life so real—so earnest that you are tempted to mingle with them in their pursuits, for you feel that it is only a matter of condition, which causes you to be happy and contented with associations that please you.
Architecture is here primitive like the tropics—hence you find many who live in the open air under the arches of the loveliest trees of which the mind can conceive.
This sphere has been assigned to the primitive—or unfolded spirit-lives where, according to their requirements, they can be educated and prepared to pass to a higher sphere—
Each sphere is a school of preparation for the one still higher—purifying for the glory awaiting.
Ofttimes, many from the second, third and fourth spheres return to earth to gather knowledge—or leave some dross—or deformity that must be removed before they can progress into the inner sanctuary of spiritual light and life.
A grand scene in the fourth awaits the stranger who may come with the sign of admittance—or guides to usher them into the wondrous abode where all scenes are adapted to the higher works of art, knowledge and scientific schools, which makes this one of the most interesting spheres for investigation.
And oh! the immensity and variety of scenery, gorgeous homes, grand mansions, palaces, towers, minarets, temples, colleges and schools.
Here are your art galleries—Raphael, and all the great artists of world's renown are showing forth their handiwork.
This is the laboratory and workshop as it were for all spheres.
There is also much of the beautiful and grand of other spheres.
The older artists and sages of earth's early history have here left their handiwork before passing on to higher and more glorious knowledge.
All is bustle in this world of living—acting—animated intelligence—giving forth new life—new thoughts to our world.
This is the true working sphere where the inhabitants of many are drawn to investigate the true secret of material and spiritual essences.
The scenery of this sphere is of an Italian character of mountains and glorious sunsets.
Its waters sparkle and ripple like life, emitting a transporting, revivifying influence to the atmosphere, and all is life.
There is a mountain here, which towers far above the numerous ones surrounding.
It is the Mount of Observation.
An observatory crowns its summit.
As you ascend the winding avenue, you see the loveliest verdure dotted ever with flowers, trees, grottoes, fountains, cascades dancing down to the base where are beautiful lawns with many a gorgeous garden and home.
Here you can rest in many a sylvan retreat and lovely home of grand and magnificent beauty, which tower above the surrounding scenery.
Oh! it is grand I assure you.
At first, it reminds you of the mountains of earth, so that for a moment, you feel like being back again, but the scenery so outrivals anything on the earth that you again realise that you are truly in heaven.
These retreats are those of the philosopher—the artist—all students of the grand—the glorious philosophy of life eternal.
Also, here strangers are brought by guides to behold the glorious scene.
While passing through the spheres, you are often reminded of earth, and your earthly condition, so nearly resembling them are many scenes of spirit abode.
The fourth sphere is the great laboratory of progressive life.
A more scintillated and spiritual atmosphere is found in the fifth sphere where the olden bards and sages of the past have made their homes, and where science has crowned with laurels those who have nobly won by their earnest and inspired works peaceful homes of rest amid the enchanting scenery of beatific life.
In this sphere, there are transparent waters whose surface glistens with sparkling light and supplying beauty—
Upon whose surface glide myriads of beings with all the light and grace of angelic beauty, in every conceivable form of conveyance, many diving beneath its surface to catch the sunlight, as it dawns upon and through the loveliest of flowers so beautifully blossoming in and upon its crystal beauty.
Many are borne upon the surface like lillies, and so beautifully arranged in architectural beauty, as to form a conveyance for spirits to float upon these perfumed, musical, miniature boats—or gondolas—
Spirit-lives call them their flower nests of the sea.
On these, they often float at will, as nothing will harm—or mar the happiness of one who is welcomed here, for this is the harmonial sphere where homes are prepared with elegance and taste acquired by long spiritual unfoldment.
Each has his attractive abode and associations that give sweet peace to the soul.
A central pleasure ground is attached to certain localities for amusement where choristers make melodious music.
Within this flower-perfumed abode, beautiful songsters warble their notes of praise and joy to relieve the weary and pleasure bound.
Infantile spirit bands are also brought here to blend in this great family circle of sphere life.
In this sphere, you find the alabaster and crystal homes, which are substance ethereal to the touch of spirits who do not belong to this sphere, yet well defined to those who inhabit it.
Many of these habitations have been seen by the clairvoyant eye and spoken of in Biblical times.
It has been considered the heaven, but is only one locality, and only the fifth degree.
It is the home of Washington, Paine, and all the honoured of their age.
These noble beings also have homes in the upper spheres.
Advanced spirit-lives have homes in all spheres wherever they can come in harmony—like different residences on earth when adapted to their needs at certain times.
This sphere is universal ground to the inhabitants above where all who wish can mingle and express any new thought—or discovery—where a thorough feeling of interest is taken in the subject advanced.
Then again, change your garments and go on to a higher and more glorious unfoldment until all sublunary things will be past—
When spirit-essence will pervade all your being, and you find yourself fully clothed, prepared to stand upon the rock of eternal progression, visiting the glorious homes and planetary spheres throughout the eternal ages.
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