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14 March 2024

What is the Light of Love?

We [spirit-lives] had an ‘arrival’ who did not stay with us [spirit-resthome].

After a rest, she continued on her way.

This was an interesting case―

This was a woman who had been a nurse and missionary for many years of her life in Africa, and had lived the Christian religion.

She was put to death when there had been an uprising by the natives.

This is a woman whom (if I had not learned better) I could find within myself to envy.

She is such a beautiful soul, with the Light of Love surrounding her like a halo.

Her first words, when she became conscious of her surroundings, were―

I knew I would wake up amongst sisters. Thank God! It is wonderful!

There was in her mind no question of surviving the terrible ordeal through which she had met death―

There were no recriminations―no fears―most impressive of all―no hatred.

She exuded unselfish love.

Our missionary rested with us.

To me she was a lesson without words!

How much I learned from her!

For she was indeed one of the Chosen.

Her brief sojourn with us here helped me to re-think over my old set of values.

We do make the mistake of valuing intellect too highly in the earth-life, scorning the simple follower of reality.

This woman has intelligence, but not a trained or well-developed intellect.

But she lived daily from the true centre of herself.

In other words, the spirit was her daily guide, and every problem, every difficulty and every joy she took to this Master within.

She radiated peace and love and joy and death had meant little to her.

She was well acquainted with the inner voice and obeyed the higher will.

It had taken her through strange experiences, yet it was clear that she had brought a divine ray into the world with her―lowly and far from clever as she was.

She had lived what so many of us had talked about.

―Spirit Sister Frances Banks

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