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12 February 2024

Why is there no shifting the responsibility with spirit-lives?

As the earth world progresses in civilization in its own estimation, the means and methods of waging war become more devastating and wholesale. 

In place of hundreds killed in battles in ancient times, the slain are now counted in hundreds of thousands. 

Every one of those souls has finished with his earthly life, though not with its consequences

In so many cases, the earth-world has finished with him, too. 

The individual may survive as a memory to those whom he has left behind him―

His physical presence is gone. 

But his spirit presence is unalterably with them. 

The earth-world has passed him on to spirit-life

Oftentimes, not really caring what has befallen him. 

He will leave behind him those whom he loved and who loved him, but the earth-world, so it thinks, can do nothing for him, nor for those who mourn his passing. 

It is spirit-lives in the spirit-world who will care for that soul. 

With spirit-lives, there is no shifting the responsibility on to other shoulders and passing upon their way. 

Spirit-lives are faced with strict realities here.

The earth world, in its blind ignorance, hurls hundreds of thousands of souls into this―

Their land―

But those who dwell in the high realms are fully aware long before it happens―

What is to take place upon the earth-plane, and a fiat goes forth to the realms nearer the earth to prepare for what is to come.

These dire calamities of the earth-plane necessitate the building of more and ever more halls of rest in the spirit-world. 

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