/> Light Your Spirit: Wellness Inspiring Spiritual Health: How are you filled with the water of life? UA-45840438-1

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27 February 2024

How are you filled with the water of life?

What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

When He said that, He knew what He was saying, and He meant just that―not something else.

When you ask God to pour His spirit on you, declare with the most absolute conviction―

The power, and the presence of the Almighty is on me, anointing and healing me, instructing or guiding me.

Do not then jump up, and immediately set about doing your own sweet will. 

Stay still in absolute, profound stillness and silence, and hear what God will say

Feel the rhythm of the divine power of God―

Be filled with the water of life.

Artist's impression of the biggest and brightest star-birth region seen in the universe to-date – ESA, NASA and Robert A. E. Fosbury (European Space Agency / Space Telescope-European Co-ordinating Facility, Germany)

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