Do you want to know what I feel about religion now [in the next world], and if my ideas on reincarnation have changed my ideas of Christ?
I believe that Christ is a great and wonderful personality―
A great Spirit in the form of a man, as near as possible to God because the God-force plays so strongly in and through Him―a fit instrument and receiver of that power.
There was a specific reason why Christ was sent.
The consciousness of God within Him was very acute.
He knew He was the instrument and child of God.
He was sent to be man's example for all time―to teach how pure and holy and simple and dignified and useful and beautiful life could be without any of the material aids of money or social position and to prove the individual continuity of life after death.
But He did not come to save men from the results of their sins.
It is a comfortable theory but not true.
Here [in the world of spirits] we learn that every man has to earn his own salvation.
Sin is a breaking of God's laws and carries its own inviolable consequences, which must be worked out by each individual personally.
You might as well set the law of gravity in motion and expect it not to act.
Christ's followers claimed His death as a sacrifice for sin, for they naturally looked on God only as the people of their day knew Him, that is, as a tyrannical Jehovah whose altars ran with the blood of sacrificed animals.
As man evolves, he gets nearer spiritual truth, and we know here that this is infinitely greater and more wonderful than anything ever yet told.
One realises the presentation of God usually taught on earth is utterly incorrect.
He is not a glorified mortal sitting on a golden throne―not a vengeful, nor jealous God, not a personal God to be propitiated to grant special gifts to a favoured few.
He is not finite but infinite but because it is so difficult to realise so vast a fact, we feel on earth we want to locate and limit our idea of God to bring it within our understanding.
God is everywhere and in everything―
In the trees, in the flowers, in the air and in the sunshine.
God is all good, all beauty, all purity.
He is also in the space beyond, for He fills all space.
The whole universe is of God―
The planets revolve from the power of God within them, touched and supported by power without.
God is creative―
From Him all life springs.
Elemental man is a manifestation of God-power through form, which in the lower creation is manifest in a different way, though he can deteriorate to less than they.
All life, as projected into human bodies, is, therefore, a bit of God, and we are, in consequence, truly His sons, and by that fact immortal.
God works automatically.
They find, too, in time, that soul-satisfaction, which brings the peace that passes all understanding.
I do not only know this but feel actually conscious of it
If you are a ray of the sun, you cannot mistake yourself for a tallow candle.
This is why it is untrue and incorrect to teach men they are miserable sinners by birth.
The body is not the man―
His spirit is of God.
However ignorant of the fact a man may be, his soul, away in its dim consciousness, knows this, and often in an emergency the spark divine asserts itself and the man rises to the great occasion.
It has been proved many times in this war.
God's laws are so steady, so regular, so business-like, they can operate to great advantage in commercialism or organisation of any kind on earth, provided these things are brought into line with them.
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