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15 December 2023

What is the spiritual meaning of the body?


Every part of the body expresses, and means, something

Even the nails on the hands are reflectors of the astral.

The liver represents the planet of medical and surgical theories.

The spleen

The planet of chemicalisations.

The appendix

The planet of intelligent inner sight or psychology.

The abdomen, or the solar-plexus


Its elements

Its movements

Its reality

Its success.

The intestines

The planet of the subconscious mind in medical elements.

The kidneys indicate the planet of invention and action.

The lungs

The right lung is the seat of originative powers.

The left lung

The unfoldment of the mechanical fluids of the body.

The tonsils shape the planet of desire and originality.

The mouth is the planet of the art of speech, command of language, all of the arts and sciences, music, and any kind of harmonious sounds.

The nose

The planet of the sensitive mechanism of explosives of the mind, body and space.

The eyes—

The right eye—

Inner sight, spirituality, literary, and musical ability

The left eye is physical knowledge, understanding and knowledge of the technical arts.

The forehead is the planet of desire, and of the physical, encouraged at times by the spiritual sight of the best of man.

The top of the head and brain is the wireless planet of the astral.

The heart is the planet of expression and reflection of all soul arts.

The sexes—


The planet of strength and power. 


The planet of love and truth.

The hands

The right hand represents dominion in all arts of expression.

The left hand—

Fighting ability and power of the individual.

The right foot is swift action and movement, and ability and quickness of brain

The left foot is scientific and mechanical inclination.

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