/> Healing Your Spirit, Healing You @Spiritual Prozac!: You stand forever in the presence of Jehovah. UA-45840438-1

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26 November 2023

You stand forever in the presence of Jehovah.

Learn from every babbling brook

The majestic river, rolling its tranquil waters to the ocean in its sublimity

Learn from every mound, towering mountain, tumbling waterfall and fruitful plain. 

The name of a wonderful intelligence is marked on every flower. 

Its signet-ring is impressed on every shell of the sea and on every leaf of the forest. 

Even every dew-drop contains a lesson of creation. 

He who does not see this intelligence is blind. 

He who does not hear it is deaf. 

He who does not feel it around and within him, speaking all the time, does not have clear intelligence to feel. 

Deity is ever-present, addressing man and spirit from age to age. 

You stand forever in the presence of Jehovah. 

He is your teacher

All your mentality and morality are absorbed from Him. 

How, then, should you act? 

Act true to those attributes. 

Charity is the basis of greatness. 

Pure Christianity clearly teaches this, yet few Christians have sufficient charity to cover a multitude of sins.

―The Sage

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