Remember, sisters, a husband who always feels his home congenial and happy, his wife cheerful and intelligent, will rarely want to stray.
A son, accustomed to the elevating and refined pleasures of his father's house, and seeing the modest and retiring character of its inmates, will shrink disgusted from meretricious charms.
The daughters brought up under such a mother and father would have a sevenfold aegis to protect them from danger, and would be well-fitted to enter into that holy estate they were destined to fill, when they in their turn will elevate and harmonise their chosen companion.
Upon you, the well-being of the human family is dependent.
You have more to do with the internal workings of the soul, the finer feelings of your nature; these, it is your mission to call into action.
It is not in you alone that the awakening must take place.
All want rousing up; none are alive to the value of the beautiful gifts they possess to their full extent, and some are not aware of owning any at all.
Though these have long lain dormant, lost and hidden, they are there, ready to be brought to the light; opportunity is all that is wanting to develop them.
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