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16 October 2023

What is really meant by the forgiveness of sins?

What is really meant by the forgiveness of sins by the Almighty God is just this—

When the soul, after many attempts to follow the right path, and to be a humble disciple of the Master Christ, and after many failures, at last comes to the knowledge that no other way is possible for him, and desires, with all the strength of his being, that he may reach something of the many blessings promised by the Master in His teaching to those who earnestly work to that end—

When that stage of longing desire, for the highest is reached (that he is able to conceive), there is given to him the knowledge that his struggles have not been in vain, and that he has succeeded in triumphing, to a certain extent, over his lower nature. 

By much spiritual force from this side, the soul is made conscious that his efforts have been noticed by the Almighty God, and that His wisdom has seen the progress made by His servant. 

That consciousness of approval from the Almighty God causes the soul the most profound thankfulness and fills him with fresh strength to fight anew. 

What is called forgiveness of sins does not exist, in the sense, in which it is understood on your plane. 

You forgive yourself by your repeated efforts to do better and to climb ever higher and higher. 

It must always be remembered that you are not left entirely alone in your pilgrimage on the earth. 

Your soul has one special protecting spirit always with you who knows and sees all your actions and thoughts and words and who bears up to the Master the tale of your life on earth. 

And there are also many other aids from this side, in the prayers of many holy spirits, for the struggling egos still incarnate in the flesh. 

Do not let people think that you must ask for forgiveness when you have done wrong, and, so-to-speak, put the responsibility on the Almighty God. 

You must confess your fault and repair it to the best of your power. 

But that is not the same thing, as the orthodox idea of forgiveness. 

That is all mixed up with the doctrine of the atonement, by which priests have sought to compel people to believe that the consequences of their own evil-doing can be borne by another person. 

It is not so—you bear your own burden, whatever it may be. 

You forgive yourself each time you repent and earnestly endeavour to right the wrong you may have done either to yourself or to other people. 

Prayer to the Almighty Ruler of the Universe is one of the most powerful aids to progress and supplication to the Master Christ who is the special guardian of the earth and its inhabitants.

—The Witness

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