I should be very sorry, if the reading of these letters of mine, should cause foolish and unthinking people to go spirit-hunting, inviting, into their human sphere, the irresponsible and often deceitful elemental spirits.
Tell them not to do it.
My coming in this way through your hand is quite another matter.
I could not do it if I had not been instructed in the scientific method of procedure, and I also could not do it if you should constantly interrupt me by side-thoughts of your own and by questions relevant or irrelevant.
It is because you are perfectly passive, and not even curious, letting me use your hand, as on earth I would have used the hand of my stenographer, that I am able to write long and connected sentences.
Most spirit communications, even when genuine, have little value, for the reason that they are nearly always coloured by the mind of the person through whom they pass.
You are right in reading nothing on the subject while these messages are coming, and in thinking nothing about this plane of life where I am.
Thus, you avoid preconceived ideas, which would interrupt the flow of my ideas.
You know, perhaps, that while on earth, I investigated spiritualism, as I investigated many things of an occult nature, looking always for the truth that was behind them, but I was convinced then, and I am now more than ever convinced that except for the scientific demonstration, that such things can be, which, of course, has value as a demonstration only, most spirit-hunting is not only a waste of time but an absolute detriment to those who engage in it.
This may sound strange coming from a so-called spirit, one who is actually at this time in communication with the world.
If that is so, I cannot help it.
If I seem inconsistent, then I seem so; that is all.
But I wish to go on record as discouraging irresponsible mediumship.
If a person sitting for mediumship could be sure that at the other end of the psychic line, there was an entity who had something sincere and important to say and who really could use him or her to say it through, it would be another matter, but this world out here is full of vagrants, even as the earth.
As this world is peopled largely from your world, it is inevitable that we have the same kind of beings that you have.
They have not changed much in passing through the doors of death.
Would you advise any delicate and sensitive woman to sit down in the centre of Hyde Park and invite the passing crowds to come and speak through her or touch her or mingle their magnetism with hers?
You shudder.
You would shudder more had you seen some of the things, which I have seen.
Then, too, there is another class of beings here, the kind which we used to hear the Theosophists call elementals.
There are units of energy, units of consciousness, which correspond pretty closely to what the Theosophists understand by elementals.
These entities are not, as a rule, very highly developed, but, as the stage of earth life is the stage to which they aspire, and as it is the next inevitable stage in their evolution, they are drawn to it powerfully.
So do not be too sure that the entity which raps on your table or your cupboard is the spirit of your deceased grandfather.
It may be merely a blind and very desirous entity, an eager consciousness, trying to use you to hasten its own evolution, trying to get into you or through you, so as to enjoy the earth and the coarser vibrations of the earth.
It may not be able to harm you, but, on the other hand, it may do you a great deal of harm.
You had better discourage such attempts to break through the veil, which separates you from them, for the veil is thinner than you think, and though you cannot see through it, you can feel through it.
Having said this, my duty in the matter is discharged, and the next time I come I can tell you a story, maybe, instead of giving you a lecture.
I really feel like an astral Scheherazade, but I fear you would tire of me before a thousand-and-one-nights were past.
A thousand-and-one-nights!
Before that time, I shall have gone on.
No; I do not mean died again into another world beyond, but when I get through telling you what I desire you to know about my life here, I want to investigate other stars if it shall be permitted.
I am like a young man who has lately inherited a fortune and has at last unlimited means and opportunity for travel.
Though he might stay around home a few months, getting matters in shape and becoming adjusted to his new freedom of movement, yet the time would come when he would want to try his wings.
I hope that is not a mixed metaphor; if so, you can edit me. I shall not feel hurt.
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