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11 September 2023

So many souls to save!

The steady stream of souls departing from earth filled with hatred, malice, cruelty, distress, fear and despair—

Advancement while in this condition is impossible. 

Others are so filled with revenge and hate that nothing can be seen through their immortal eyes, but dark shadows and fiendish thoughts. 

Others come to the astral with some religion imprinted upon their soul minds, and they pass on to the astral with confidence in a heaven—a heaven of angels with wings and golden harps and singing everywhere. 

Such thoughts are not made manifest in the astral because this is a plane of progression—a plane of steady work, not play. 

And so they dwell in semi-darkness, their only light a faint gleam of their delusion.

Then there are others who come with a thought of uncertainty, doubt and wonder. 

Others come with their bodies, as well as their minds, shattered wrecks, their hope gone, fearing everlasting death, fire and brimstone. 

There are those of no creed or religious beliefs other than trust in God. 

The man who is fearless, who does his duty, who is not filled with revenge, but with calm submission who passes over knowing there is a beyond and wanting to find out what it is comes open and ready to receive. 

He is receptive and advancement is quickly gained.

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