There is a great law in this.
The simple food of vegetable nature conduces directly to high thinking.
Not only the physical life benefits, but the soul itself.
As the old lamps of the Greeks burned oil, so the soul receives a pure oil from such a diet.
I was advised to use a little meat three times a week.
Yes; a little.And this, too, is of note.
In vegetables, your chemists think they have, through the processes of analytical chemistry, divided into various component parts all the elements of which such food is composed, and they even can produce synthetically, in divided state, these elements.
The greatest element of all has not yet been seen or even dreamed of by them.
This element is cosmic, a part of life, vril, the most soul-nourishing substance of your plane.
It is found especially in lettuce, tomatoes and eggs.
To come back again to the other element of physical life, in flowers, in the perfume of, say, the rose, and especially lilacs, one inhales this food, and hence often great poems, divine essays, and the deepest philosophy was fed to reality by the influence of flowers.
Is there any analogy between this element which you say is abundant in lettuce, etc., and what we know as vitamins?
Yes; a very great resemblance, and they are to some slight extent a portion of this element.
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