I have spoken of a determination to visit other planets when my work of writing these letters is ended, but I must not neglect to say that I consider such journeys to and fro in the universe of far less spiritual value than those of other journeys, which I have made, and shall make into the deep places of my own self.
Travelling in actual space and time is important to a man, that he may gain knowledge of other lands and peoples, see the differences between these peoples and himself and learn the causes thereof; yet quiet meditation is even a greater factor in growth if a man whose spiritual perceptions are open can do but one of these two things, it would be better for him to sit in a cabin in the backwoods and seek in his own soul for the secrets which it guards, than to travel without such self-examination to the ends of the earth.
Get acquainted with your own soul.
Know why you do this or that, why you feel this or that.
Sit quietly when in doubt about any matter and let the truth rise from the deeps of yourself.
Examine your motives always.
Do not say I ought to do this act for such and such a reason; therefore, I do it for that reason.
Such argument is self-deception.
If you do a kind act, ask yourself why.
Perhaps you can find even in a kind action a hidden motive of self-seeking.
If you should find such a motive, do not deny it to yourself.
Acknowledge it to yourself, although you need not advertise it on the walls of your dwelling.
Such a secret understanding will give you a greater sympathy and comprehension in judging the motives of others.
Strive always for the ideal, but do not label every emotion as an ideal emotion if it is not really that.
Speak the truth to yourself.
Until you can dare to do that, you will make little progress in the quest for your own soul.
Between earth lives is a good time to meditate, but one should form the habit of meditation while still in the flesh.
Habits formed in the flesh have a tendency to continue after the flesh is laid aside.
That is a reason why one should keep as free as possible from physical habits.
I have made wonderful discoveries in the archives of my own soul.
There, I have found the memories of all my past, back to a time almost unbelievably distant.
In seeing how the causes set up in one life have produced their effects in another life, I have learned more than I shall learn on my coming tour of the planets.
Everything exists in the soul; all knowledge is there.
Grasp that idea if you can.
The infallible part of us is the hidden part and it is for us to bring it to light.
Do you understand now why I advise the disembodied to break away from the distractions and the dazzling mirages of the earthly life?
Only in the stillness of detachment can the soul yield up her secrets.
It is not that I am indifferent to earthly loves; on the contrary, I love more deeply than ever all those whom I loved on earth, but I realise that if I can love them wisely instead of unwisely, it will be better for them and for me.
Yet the call of the earth is loud sometimes and my heart answers from this side of the veil.
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