Do not neglect rest.
For every added hour of true rest, your working capacity is increased.
Have no fear.
You are not wasting time when you lie down and dream.
As I have said before, eternity is long.
There is room for rest in the wayside inns, which dot the path, which the cycles tread.
Go out and play with the squirrels, or lie by the fire and dream with the household cat.
The cat that enjoys the drowsy fireside also enjoys catching mice when the mood is on her.
She cannot be always hunting―neither can you.
The hardest road leads up the highest mountain, and there is rest at the top.
The heart of man is superior to the brain of man.
Remember that.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
He who adjusts to environment, adjusts even to unrest.
Remember that.
The human ego is coming into its own.
When it loses selfishness, it will find itself.
That is not a paradox for its own sake, but the statement of a psychological fact.
The idle hours are sometimes as valuable as those that are spent in labour.
It is in so-called idle hours that you meditate―
Get acquainted with yourself―
Build air castles, which are working plans for your edifice of the future.
In unity is strength―
In disunity is disintegration.
It is pain that mellows the heart.
I wish I could make you see that separation is death, and that unity is life.
I wrote the other day about adepts and masters.
Jesus is a type of the greatest Master.
He is revered in all the heavens.
He grasped the law, and dared to live it―to exemplify it.
And when he said―
The Father and I are one, He pointed the way by which you may realise mastership in yourself.
Jesus of Nazareth is a reality.
As a spiritual body, Jesus who dwelt in Galilee, He exists in space and time―
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