Listen to the voice of nature.
Be able to say—
This is an oak because I can hear its voice!
The flowers know those who love them best.
And if perchance you understand but little at the first attempt, then go back to the flowers―go back to the example of the trees―wait and try again.
That perpetuity of effort, which is expressed in nature, is a lesson for us all.
Remember that the desire within you—even if it but half expresses God's purpose—must, in time to come, be brought up to that high standard.
When nature takes on new beauty, new expression, get out by yourself and listen to the many voices of nature—nature trying to teach you―trying to train you―trying to show you how beautiful is the mind of God—how exquisitely merciful, and loving as well.
Yes; in the daisy, as well as in the rose, God's love is shown.
In the beauty of the sky is reflected the beauty of the trees―
In the beauty of the trees, you get the contrast of the sky.
Each has its place―each draws its strength, its vitality, its being, its life, from God the Creator—and to God these things belong—gifted to the children of the earth by a generous Father—ah, yes; gifts bestowed with so much love.
But it grieves the Giver of All when those who take seek but to destroy instead of preserve―seek but to make void the beauty He has created.
Instead, by your thoughts, by your gratitude, by your acknowledgement of God in the flowers, you send those flowers onward with new strength, with greater possibilities of beauty and a higher expression in the Mind of the Divine.
The Zodiac Messages—New Revelation—Volume III—January - June 1925—Plant Life and its Place in God's Purpose—79
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