/> Ignite Your Light Connect Spiritually Inspire Well-being: Do you believe in a materialistic conception of God? UA-45840438-1

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13 March 2023

Do you believe in a materialistic conception of God?

Some say that every word in the Christian Bible is inspired, or originating in the Almighty God Himself, and so it follows that the whole of the Bible must be literally true.

That is utterly wrong; a great deal of it is so low in spirituality that it is an insult to the Almighty God to connect Him with it.

Many of the Old Testament stories are still read in churches and even told to children without the proper explanation.

Many of them picture the Great Ruler of all the worlds as a blood-thirsty, scheming, relentless tyrant.

Can you realise that much of the want of faith on earth is directly traceable to such a materialistic conception of God, and the way in which the same conception has been handed down generation after generation, without any notes or explanations as to the lessons those old stories were meant to teach to a vast majority of people?

Even now there exist people who will say and believe The Lord our God is a jealous God.

It is such an utterly unworthy idea, and so futile and utterly useless as a spiritual help to people.

Well; all those worn-out ideas must go; they are just rubbish cumbering the ground and must be cleared away to make room for the grand picture of limitless Love, boundless Power, and most just Justice.

That is what the Master wants the world to realise; no more horrible teaching of blood and sacrifice of beings (although dumb) to appease the wrath of a great Majestic Power, no more wasting time and spiritual energy in trying to force one's heart to believe what one's intelligence condemns.

—The Witness

Little street musicians, Paris (between 1910 and 1929)

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