/> Ignite Your Light Connect Spiritually Inspire Well-being: The Little Book of Spiritual Healing UA-45840438-1

Be soothed, inspired and instructed to live life in fulfilment of that Great Law—Love to God and Man

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12 March 2024

The Little Book of Spiritual Healing

Your journey is personal for your being is unique. 

Unique is exactly what it means—

The only one of its kind.

Uniqueness is a quality we all share.

This spiritual healing booklet is the writer's contribution to a great awakening, and it is her sincere wish that it may be of benefit to you.

My lesson is a lesson of love. 

I have made it a hard lesson.

My lesson is to realise my Higher Self—

To attune my real Self to the essence of Divine Love within.

I must learn to value who I am.

You are worthy. 

You are complete. 

You are whole. 

God is Love, and you are one with Love. 

As you grow in spiritual awareness, you evolve—

Your highest thought is Love.

This is not your natural home. 

You are manifesting in human form, and you carry the essence of the Divine within.

You chose this human experience to learn. 

You are here to learn. 

If you do not learn your lessons, you must relearn your lessons until they are learned.

If you are not learning, it is your fault. 

You am equipped with all the tools you need to learn your lessons. 

If you choose not to listen and learn, the lessons will be repeated time and time and time again. 

If history repeats itself, you are not learning, and if need be, the lessons will be hard.

It does not have to be difficult.

Simply, make up your mind.

Redefine yourself

Honour your Spiritual Self—

You are a spiritual being living a human experience.

You remember your true nature—

You remember your natural home.

The spiritual realm is your true home.

You acknowledge the essence of the Divine within—

You are a child of God.

You have faith that your life has a purpose—

You choose your own experiences.

You allow abundance in your life—

You are thankful for the blessings you receive.

You have everything you need.

You learn to quiet your mind—

The path towards your Higher Self is directed inwardly.

You are consistent in your thinking—

You think and feel the same.

Focus is important—

Your path is progressive.

You face your fears courageously—

You need never doubt and fear.

God is always near. Always.

You are loved unconditionally. Unconditionally.

You are a lover of truth—

There is freedom within.

There is neither right nor wrong—

All experience is relative.

You make or mar your own life.

Divine Love is unconditional—

This is an absolute truth.

You release yourself, and others from their limitations—

You forgive and move forward.

You let go and let God.

You let Love be.

You awaken to new possibilities.

You redefine your unifying consciousness—

You embrace your Higher Self.

All is fair and equal.

You grow in wisdom and self-love—

You are never alone—

You are never separated from Source.

You mind your thinking—

You think about how it feels.

Patience, practice, and discipline work wonders. 

You do not lose sight of the glimmering light. 

You do not lose focus. 

The light shines brightly as you reach the end of your journey.

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