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01 November 2024

How do we develop holiness?

Rest in the peace of mind, certain and sure, that the Father—because He is your Father—understands you, and more than that, that He will lift you out of your lesser self into the self you long to be. 

That God, being your Father, can do what so often it is impossible for you to do yourself—raise you up into truth and holiness and peace.

Remember that in demonstrating God, even in the little that you think you are able to do, in demonstrating Him, so you are adding to the strength and the holiness of the world.

Get a little higher up, as it were, and stand on the side of the hill and look down on physical life, when from a little distance, things will be seen in their right perspective, and as your mind is able to traverse farther up the hill of understanding, so your view will be broadened and the perspective at each point will be seen to be better still.

It is impossible for one to injure another without that injury having to be made good.

It is a spiritual law that one cannot think of one good thought in connection with another without the fruits of that good thought being gathered to oneself.

Look at it in God's way—when, as is often the case, you are brought up with something of horror against ingrained selfishness—that consideration only of individual comfort and desire—when you see examples like this, thank God that their responsibility is not your own
thank God and pray that the Light may come to them before it is too late—too late in the sense that the accumulated burden is so heavy that much suffering and effort must be forthcoming before they are free to walk with happiness in the gardens of the Lord.

Remember the shortness of your little earth life—when there are those who make you suffer, sometimes unconsciously, and sometimes with intent, then take it in a spiritual way and be glad that when you step free, there will be that less to make good on your own account
remember that although the pangs of the physical heart and mind may seem terrible to bear, yet in a way so wonderfully kind, those pangs are instantaneously turned into power and beauty and holiness.

Find within yourself sufficient spiritual resources to put faith to the test
to approach your Maker with trust and to ask Him to heal that which is hurtful and harmful where the body is concerned.

God's ways are best.

Do not overlook this one great fact—

Consider God's mighty plan—God's overseeing care.

Put away the thought that God extends mercy as an act of grace in the spirit of condescension, for such is impossible to the Father's Mind. 

You can think and dwell and ponder on His merciful intervention between the physical and the spiritual self, but when it is a matter between the Father's Heart and your errors and mistakes, mercy is swept out of being by His enveloping love and understanding.

Regard faith as a star—the star, which reflects God's love
that star, which not only shines during your life's journey, but when you are free will be seen in all its magnificent glory, calling you on and on to those heights, which have no end.

The going may be hard
the sensitive mind and the shrinking heart may be lacerated again and again, but for every barb that finds a resting place, so God compensates in a way you can never grasp until spiritual sight is your own.

Do you not see God's magnificent Justice?

That the one who suffers, ignorant of the spiritual laws, which are working so harmoniously that the sufferer lying there in his
or her helplessness by the very fact that he suffers, he is able to contribute to the spiritual resources of countless others.

And do not forget the wonderful gain to the individual because pain is so hard to bear! 

Then trace back the sources. 

Remember those who are far distant, unable to render help in physical form—remember that these by their thoughts
by their prayers—are helping the sufferer, helping those who are tending the sufferer, and by their wish to help are helping themselves as well.

God's justice never fails—

In the wish for faithin that raising of the mindhoping for faith because the thought is directed to Himthe effect of that wish and thought will last forever.

Think this over and remember the responsibility of the lesser self towards the greater self.

Do not think because God is the Creator, you must approach Him and ask for mercy to avert that which earthly justice bestows.

Remember that God regards you as something precious
something that is a treasure indeed, and that on all sides help is provided—that everywhere in every phase of life, running through every act, through every incident is that deep, strong river of His love.

See in your life, in the trend of events, the guiding hand of God—rest content, not worrying over what the future holds, covering the past with forgetfulness because once the body is laid aside that past will bear a totally different representation.

Fear is a great enemy and is not an easy thing to circumventif you kill it at one point it springs up at another. 

You might call it self-preservation and it is true in a way that you have never considered—the preservation of self—the preservation of the lesser self, which evil fosters and feeds.

God directs and God guides in a way no words can explain. 

Therefore, worry, anticipationor foreboding are totally out of place.

Anticipate that God will provide not only the things of your material life, but also those great contributing gifts, which are necessary for the harmony of the spirit with that which is love divine.

Continue your way in confidence, remembering to ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you
putting worry and anticipation of sorrow behind you and stretching out for those things, which are in front.

Strength, understanding and greater faith will make all things clear.

Do not forget that the giant of despair was the last big test before the Summerland was reached!

—Spirit John Bunyan

Cliff jumping near the big cave at La Jolla Cove, with La Jolla Shores in the background | Jarek TuszyƄski | (CC-BY-4.0)

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