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02 August 2024

How do you prepare for eternal life?


Beyond Survival

After the death of the physical body, you gravitate to your rightful place—a mansion, a cottage, even a hovel—as you have earned. 

You are advised to regard your life now as a preparation for your real life hereafter.

Live Life in Eternity Now.

—Spirit Sister Frances Banks

Ophrys tenthredinifera | Orchi | CC BY-SA 3.0

Do you not understand that what you believe you are going to be out there is largely determinative of what you will be?

You yourself select the kind of scenery that will await you when you arrive there.

Go into the hereafter with a full faith of immortality—a full faith in the power of your soul to create its own conditions.

An artificial hybrid of the Orchidaceae Genus Phalaenopsis | André Karwath | CC BY-SA 2.5

Life can be so free here!

There is none of that machinery of living, which makes people on earth such slaves.

In our world, you are held only by your thoughts.

If they are free, you are free.

—The Judge

Rememberthere is nothing to fearthere is everything to hope.

There is love in this world like the water in the sea.

—Spirit Julia

What strange experiences one has out here! 

I rather dread to go back into the world, where it will be so dull for me for a long time. 

Can I exchange this freedom and vivid life for a long period of somnolence? 

Afterwards to suck a bottle and learn the multiplication table and Greek and Latin verbs? 

I suppose I must, but not yet.

—The Judge

You are not dead. 

You have only returned whence you came. 

You are as immortal as the angels.

The envelope opens, the letter is released and it is over.

—Spirit Julia

The stamens of a Hippeastrum flower | André Karwath | CC BY-SA 2.5

Do not imagine that spirits are ghosts. 

It is the other way around—it is you whom they look upon as a spook and a shadowy spirit because you are transparent to their mental vision, while it is they who are the real thing, for they all appear to one another as perfectly solid and obvious.

What is here is there. 

I know it is so because I can see you all here and I can see you others there at the same time.

—Spirit Daisy

I am here, make no mistake.

—The Judge

Lotus bud against the leaf | Frank Gualtieri (Fg2/Wikimedia Commons)

There is nothing to fear in death. 

It is no harder than a trip to a foreign country [the first strip] to one who has grown oldish and settled in the habits of his more—or narrow corner of the world.

It is life—life separated by density—that is all. 

There is simply a shifting of the scenes—an awakening in a new world. 

Your mind is housed in a body—your spirit has left that house. 

Yet you are YOU—you ARE. 

The human form, which you call yourself is not your real, immortal self at all. 

Although you must take needful care of it, you must not give it such an exaggerated importance.

Chamomile flowers | Fir0002 | GFDL 1.2

The two worlds touch and they touch through the inner.

You go in to come out.

A rest in the invisible worlds is more refreshing than a summer in the mountains. 

Do not fear death. 

I passed through death, and I am more rested now than a strong man in the morning. 

I would not go back to my old body. 

When I want a body again, I shall build a new one. 

I know the process of building, having built so many before.

—The Judge

Rememberyou are immortalyou who go out of life will come back again, strengthened by the rest in the invisible, for a change of place is a rest of consciousness.

What a marvellous Purpose and Plan there is to Life! 

And how small, almost insignificant, the struggles, fallacies and failures of the last earth life appear now.

—Sister Frances

Large-flowered Hemp-nettle blossom (Galeopsis speciosa) | André Karwath | CC BY-SA 2.5

There is no hurry

The pearls in the chain of existence, though small, are all in their inevitable places. 

The chain is a circlethe symbol of eternity.

Hoag's Object | NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgment—Ray A. Lucas (STScI/AURA)

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