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28 February 2024

What are the cause of karmic conditions?

Be mindful that your thoughts and emotions are the cause of karmic conditions, and that these thoughts and emotions can develop certain patterns over time.

Strongly held beliefs can also have similar effects.

Trauma can become a part of your emotional make-up, and can also cause emotional entanglements. 

You can resolve these issues emotionally and spiritually by releasing all that restricts you.

Whether you experience your condition as negative or positive, it is truly love in action.

There is a law that says that you cannot leave something until you love it.

Love is about allowing and accepting. 

As you accept your physical condition, you release it. 

On a deeper level, you will one day see all the beauty and love that this issue has brought you. 

As you come to the realisation that all has been in service to you, you will bless the condition, and thank it for its service to you.

Remember, as you release something with love, you cease placing your attention on it―

As you cease placing your attention on it, it ceases to be your experience.

John L. Payne, Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, United Kingdom, Chapter 12, Create Your Own Reality, 127-30

Tibetan endless knot | Author Rickjpelleg at English Wikipedia

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