A thoughtful silence several times each day if only for a few moments will bring you nearer to your Maker, therefore rest to the tired mind. Try it once at least.
I accept all as my Brother and Sister.As I love one, I love myself―As I hurt one, I hurt myself.I see that we are all of the same stuff―We are one.
John. L. Payne, Omni Reveals The Four Principles of Creation, 2001, Findhorn Press, United Kingdom, Chapter 1, Who or What is Omni? 10
Let me learn my lesson. I know that my heavenly Father will take care of me, and will bring to me whatever is necessary, even though I have to pass through more―or less poverty and conditions, which seem to be harrowing and discouraging. Yet ultimately, I will emerge into the light of divine truth.
I am ready to serve you with all my heart if that is what you wish of me.
I understand that God is alive within me.
I will take a positive attitude.
You are a unit in the great Universal Being—a microcosm in a macrocosm.
I choose happiness and abundance.
My sorrows and hardship are great, but my soul is greater than my sorrows—it stands up proudly above them all.
Forgive me, as I forgive is a most wonderful protection.
Watch the outposts of your life—
Be on your guard against those subtle forces out to hinder the Spirit—sadness and depression. They come when you are feeling overweary with the strain. They come at the end of a long day. They come when the body is weakest and frailest. Be on your guard, watchful of the outposts—when the first sign—or hint of their presence is felt, say to yourself—
I belong to joy—the joy, which is of God!
These are daily affirmations for immunity from moral—or physical pain. Ideally, say them out loud and as often as you experience pain, whether moral—or physical.
My soul is immune to pain because my soul is perfect.
If the world's sorrow oppresses you, remember that the very best you can do toward lifting that heavy load is to make a centre of joy and gladness in your own heart.
Rejoice in the Lord―
Again, I say unto you rejoice.
I wish I could impress this word rejoice upon your mind so that you could impress it upon the consciousness of every atom of your body, which consciousness in the aggregate is your subconscious mind.
If you could register this idea of rejoicing within your subconscious mind, you would literally breathe health into your body.
Try to realise what health really means.
It means doing the will of the Father on earth in your physical body, as it is done in heaven in your spiritual body by your higher self who is one with the Father, in which body, there is no sickness, nor sorrow, nor death.
Take up this thought and meditate upon it while constantly repeating the Healing Prayer.
Also, repeat the Lord's Prayer, and at the same time, feel that you are creating a circle of life and health and joy that is filled with a bright light, which sends its beams far out into the darkness to lead many a one to joy and peace.
THE HEALING PRAYERO Thou loving and helpful Master Jesus!Thou who gavest to Thy disciples power to heal the sick!I, recognising Thee, and realising Thy divine presence within me,Ask Thee to lay Thy hands upon me in healing love.Cleanse me from all my sins,And by the divine power of Omnipotent Life,Drive out the atoms of inharmony and disease,And fill my body full to overflowing with Life, Love, and Purity.
Have faith―Cast out fear―Do not worry―Trust that God is near―And life everywhere, and at all times, will cease to be a strife.
Never say again that the way is too hard—too dark—too long.
Say instead—
Though the darkness seems to surround me, yet I know I am treading ever further towards the Light—
The Light of Full Revelation of the realisation of God's love—the recognition of the quest of the Spirit—the unfoldment of divinity within—the recharging with the power and the love and the joy, which comes from God—the sanctification and the dedication of life—physical, spiritual and eternal to the Maker, the Creator, the Giver of All.
O my soul, my soul, dwell thou in peace and bless thy Maker—Thou knowest that I love Thee.
Forgive me, as I forgive is a most wonderful protection.
Take the bigger view. Do not say merely—I have forgiven, but try and build up in your mind real compassion for the ones who have sought to hinder you in your upward climb.
Forgive me, as I forgive.
The first lesson all souls must learn is pain.
The soul is immune to pain because it is perfect. Pain is an expression of the imperfection of the material world. The soul knows this, but the body does not. It may suspect the truth, but the power of matter and the apparent evidence of the senses fill it with confusion.
The body believes only what it sees—what it perceives to be reality—which is why it suffers pain, whether moral—or physical.
Migęne Gonzalez-Wippler, What Happens After Death, Scientific & Personal Evidence for Survival, 1997, Llewellyn Publications, Minnesota, USA, Part Two, Kirkudian, The First Lesson, 134
Remember that positive affirmations require regular practice if you want to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways you think and feel.
Remember, too, that pain is simply a manifestation of the physical body.
In reality, it does not exist.
Get into a relaxed state bypassing the conscious mind and repeat with feeling that your soul is immune to pain because it is perfect.
Affirm this spiritual truth a hundred times—or more a day.
Ideally, listen to the sound of soothing brain music while you affirm—
My soul is immune to pain because it is perfect.
Migęne Gonzalez-Wippler, What Happens After Death, Scientific & Personal Evidence for Survival, 1997, Llewellyn Publications, Minnesota, USA, Part Two, Kirkudian, 2 The First Lesson, 134
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.
When He said that, He knew what He was saying, and He meant just that, not something else.
When you ask God to pour His spirit on you, declare with the most absolute conviction―
The power and the presence of the Almighty is on me, anointing and healing me, instructing―or guiding me.
Do not then jump up and immediately set about doing your own sweet will.
Stay still in absolute, profound stillness and silence, and hear what God will say―
Feel the rhythm of the divine power of God―
Be filled with the water of life.
Concentrate upon your highest ideal—
If it is a personality, draw his image before you—if it is the ideal of truth, so much the better.
Concentrate upon it.
Hold the image in your mind and breathe deeply the inspiration of life you desire to attract—
See what beautiful light will come to you.
As the mind unfolds in this way, the image-making faculty constantly increases, grows so strong that sometimes the images take material—or ethereal form, and who that has had this experience will say these images of the concentrated thought are not real!
Believe me, in the culture of the soul, as well as of the mind, the imagination plays a most important part, and the gift of imagination is one to be desired and appreciated.
When reciting affirmations, feel the words in your heart as you say them and know that what you feel you will create.—Peggy McColl
Prayer is the affirmation by the soul of its unity with the One.―The Judge
Be patient with the growing angel whose imperfect development is such a trial now. Be patient with your own mistakes and slips, wrongdoing and evils, knowing that He who is mighty to save uses everyone to the upbuilding of the angelhood, which shall be a Temple, fit for the indwelling of His Holy Spirit.
I am a proper part of a beautiful whole.
My spirit revels with the infinite hosts of heaven.
You are the bud, the spirit, the unfolding flower of Nature, which will go on unfolding its powers until it reaches the Throne of the Omnipotent Mind.
I will reach the standard of perfection You have set for me if it takes all my life in heaven and all the help from the angels of light to accomplish it.
You are safe and sound because the protection is complete.
Affirm daily, on awakening, when you are overstressed that you are safe and sound because the protection is complete.
I have complete protection.
More than anything else in the world, what do you want?
Do you know what you really want?
Supposing you really know what you want, here is what to do to make your reality come true―
I want to be a successful writer.
As I consider my thoughts and feelings, I realise I impress my mind with my now-reality―I am not a successful writer. I want to be successful, but my “wanting” implies a lacking of something required―or necessary―or usual.
This is what I must do―right now―to call forth my new reality.
I am a successful writer.
Thank you, God, for your perfect gifts.
Thank you, God, for your gift of sweet success.
I grow richly!
Forget past and future. It does not exist.
There is only now, and here now is the time.
I affirm / impress / reinforce this thought in my mind more than a hundred times a day and I do this faithfully, knowing that my dream is about to become true.
I am patient while I await my shower of perfect blessings.
I look forward to my newfound success.
It is really that simple.
Saying so does indeed make it so, in the sense that whatever is fundamentally integral to life may be brought into realisation best by believing in, affirming and expecting it.
To keep yourself free from drink try to realise to its fullest extent that you yourself are powerful and do not want to drink―that the craving is an obsession by some outside entity, trying to make use of you to satisfy its lower appetites.
Try to awaken in yourself this knowledge and keep on saying to yourself—
I do not want it.
I will not have it.
No one will make me take it.
Then fill yourself with the love of the Christ and keep on affirming that this love and this power and this help will keep you free from any evil influence.
Fill yourself so full of this thought of the Christ that no outside entity can come and tempt you.
Remember your motto is Love―Serve.
You do not wish to lead―or shine down in your heart.
Your motto is a true one.
It is a big and beautiful thing to serve with love.
It is the song of the golden country where your home will be, so never despise any service, however low, for any you love.
To gain your permanent residence in that country you must serve those whom you despise with love.
That is the deed that opens the gates there.
To serve the mean―the selfish―the vicious―with a patience and an overwhelming love.
What you do is easy and full of rewards, as your journey takes you nearer the place you seek.
The love must be so big―so fine―so strong―that it can blot out all the others' mean unworthiness and leave only pity.
They know not what they do, but you know that for you, now and always, the motto is Love―Serve.
The time to enter into the silence is any convenient time when you can have at least ten minutes alone.
If possible, have the same time, the same room, and the same chair, for thought impresses itself upon animate things, and in this way no effort is lost.
Sit down comfortably, close your eyes, and after repeating the Healing Prayer,* and adding any personal petition that your soul dictates, quietly determine that the mind will remain blank.
Then believe that your Real Self will draw near and guide you if you can succeed in stilling the physical vibrations.
This may take time and practice, and you may fall asleep, but do not let anything discourage—or worry you.
If your mind wanders—or becomes active, bring it back, and mentally repeat—Silence! Silence!
You will soon find that you will come from this period of silence refreshed in body and mind, and that you have strong impressions and a comprehension of truths that previously were vague.
*The Healing PrayerO Thou loving and helpful Master Jesus!Thou who gavest to Thy disciples power to heal the sick!We, recognising Thee, and realising Thy divine presence within us,Ask Thee to lay Thy hands upon us in healing love.Cleanse us from all our sins,And by the divine power of Omnipotent Life,Drive out the atoms of inharmony and disease,And fill our bodies full to overflowing with Life, and Love, and Purity.
Taking a few moments immediately on waking up each morning to quietly praise God―to thank and ask Him to increase your knowledge will help you more than any other practice you can form. It does not have to take long―thought is quicker than lightning―and your aspiration for knowledge of God must be absolutely sincere and your only desire.
You cannot forgive yourself—you never could forgive your own failings and weaknesses and treacheries, but because the Maker created you—because you are of the Creator, the Maker has ruled out that word, and in its place, love only, like some beautiful rainbow of promise—
Love only remains.
Who am I that I should be so blessed?
God's love, first and foremost, and then the longing to be a little more, as the God within you would have you be.
Make your first effort and put faith to the test—say to yourself—
I will contact with my Father!—
And because God is always in your midst, you can contact with Him in a way impossible to be put into words.
He has asked you to love Him and to love your fellow being because He knows that only by that close contact with Him can you be lifted out of those sorrows, which sometimes, even as a net, seem to close you in.
The keynote of everything in the physical world—everything in those myriad planes beyond is the overwhelming love of God.
He asks you—
As thy faith, so shall it be unto you—
Father, write these words on my heart and mind—
Christ seal me unto Thy Holy Self.
As He asked in the days of old—to follow Him, He entreats, as He entreated those with whom He dwelt even upon this little earth—
He entreats you to not only love Him, but to try and love your neighbours too.
There is reality in the God-sense—there is holiness—there is purity of thought—these create a beauty absolutely beyond the conception of the finest physical mind.
You do not yet grasp the full mastery of your will.
It can make of you anything you choose, within the limit of your unit energy, for everything is either active—or potential in the unit of force, which is you!
i am immortal, without end—or beginning.
You are endowed with only one real, enduring and everlasting possession—your free will—it is the Maker's perfect gift to you.
Father—I have only one real, enduring, and everlasting possession, my free will—it is your gift to me and I will take it and give it back to you and do your perfect will, which will give me true freedom.
A thoughtful silence several times each day if only for a few moments will bring you nearer to your Maker, therefore, rest to the tired mind. Try it once at least.
Solitude is a simple proposition.
You can create it anywhere.
It only requires concentration.
Just draw into your own shell.
You must be able to withdraw from others at times.
No one can bear to give out constantly.
You must take in once in a while—live rhythmically, in fact.
Work and play, give and take, struggle and rest.
Otherwise, there is no balance—no poise.
That is what ails you right now.
You need to relax and rest—to take in.
Stop going for a while.
Rest until the desire is strong to work again, no matter how long.
It is a true test of whether you are obeying the law when you find yourself either sick—or nervous—or blue.
You know by any of these symptoms that you have drawn too heavily on your reserve vitality and let other people drain you.
The remedy is perfectly simple.
After work hours just disappear from people.
Go into your shell and wait until you have time to fill up again.
Relax your whole nature.
Do not give anything out, either by sympathy—or brain power, but lie quietly and make happy plans for the future.
Always remember the cheerful thought is what renews your poise.
Never brood over disaster.
Forget it as rapidly as possible, and begin to make prosperous pictures of your future.
Always picture the future, whether tomorrow, next year—or after death, as happy, as full of pleasant possibilities and happy incidents. You thus insure your future against evil happenings.
A personal plan—or vision of a desired future is a visible, concrete thing in the spirit world, holding solidly together, so long as its creator holds it firmly in his brain.
More than this, the vision has power to build on this plane its counterpart by a process of magnetic attraction.
The law is one of the basic ones, and never fails unless the person is vacillating—or weak.
Picture a certain form of disaster and you create it just as certainly as a stone falls through air when dropped from a height.
The law is that you create by your own thought your future environment.
The swiftness of the actual materialisation depends upon the concentration of your thought and the distinct quality of your vision, as well as whether you build it while feeling happy.
Happy, cheerful states are splendid creators.
With confidence comes fair weather, and mind governs the planet in all its details—mind, which includes feeling as well.
As you think, so are you.
The Light of Faith held by a few souls has more than once illumined the path of escape when world disaster threatened.
Heaven is a sort of magic.
Faith is like that.
The great faith of a few has been able to lift a race—a race otherwise lost.
Right and justice only are immortal.
Any success not founded on them has no stability.
You have but to look at history.
Where material interests outweighed moral interests that state was doomed.
Only through moral integrity, the ideals of individual liberty, a deep consideration for one's fellow being can be secured the immortality of individual—or nation.
You must lose your life—or rather give your life to keep it eternally. That is, you must unselfishly give all you have for the general good, not for glory, but for right.
To serve your fellows is to build your immortality.
After your meditation, jot down for your guidance any suggestions that may have occurred to you.
You will find this exercise very helpful.
Let your first waking thought be desire to know truth.
Glorify God for all the marvellous perfections in which you are capable of investing your highest idea of Him.
Thank Him for your life and ask sincerely and humbly to know Him better.
Knowledge of God includes all wisdom and all Love.
This daily practice will lead to meditation and to contemplation.
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