/> Light Your Spirit: Wellness Inspiring Spiritual Health: Sorrow and self-sacrifice are important lessons. UA-45840438-1

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30 October 2021

Sorrow and self-sacrifice are important lessons.

Each soul passes through several lives to experience matter, to learn new lessons, but because matter is dense and corruptive, purification is necessary in the measure in which the soul corrupts itself. Souls interact and often act as each other’s athanors to effect purification. Some spirits advance more rapidly than others in their path of experiential search, but eventually, they all return to the Light whence they originated. When a soul falls into the trap of identifying with the material world completely, breaking one or more of the Cosmic Laws in the process, it must be purified through sorrow and self-sacrifice in the course of many existences. That is why sorrow and self-sacrifice are such important lessons. As long as you reject them, you reject purification—you impede your soul’s advancement on your evolutionary path. How long it will take depends entirely on you.

Migęne Gonzalez-Wippler, What Happens After Death, Scientific & Personal Evidence for Survival, 1997, Llewellyn Publications, Minnesota, U. S. A., Part Two, Kirkudian, 6, Purification, 194-195

Memorial to Heroic Self-Sacrifice | User Teseum, from Wikimedia Commons | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

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