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02 February 2024

What are the spiritual laws of dimension?

There is a fourth dimension—

Besides the line, square, and cube, there is something, which represents what you might call the interpenetrative sphere. 

You have motion forward—upward—across, but in the future, there will also be motion through. 

At present, one body has to move out of the way of another, but then they will just interpenetrate.

To understand this more easily, think of the simile used of the man who could only walk in two dimensions. 

You can walk in three, but in the future, there will be four—


I think a symbol to be added to the line, square, and cube might be this—

A hollow sphere, with other hollow and smaller spheres enclosed within it, something like the balls within balls cut by the Chinese. 

These spheres must be thought of as composed of a kind of elastic fluid—

The larger spheres by compression passable through the smaller, and the smaller by expansion passable through the larger. 

Thus, each sphere can be within or without the others.

Now to leave the symbol and return to the new power, which it represents—

The solid can become fluid, pass through the solid, which is for the time also fluid, and then resume its first form.

This power, when perfected, would give the human soul absolute power of progression in every direction and in every part of the universe. 

You could pass through the heart of mountains, or could rise into the atmosphere to any height by altering, as it were, your own density, and the density of your path—nothing would prove a hindrance.

Next, as to the fifth dimension. 

Earth, and the world of spirits, are not like two globes side by side and independent of each other, but, as a spirit inhabits a body, so the spirit-world inhabits this. 

To pass from earth to the spirit-world requires the violent change of death to the body—at least, in most cases. 

You cannot pass to the spirit-world, nor spirit-lives to earth, but in very exceptional and partial ways. 

But there will be a time when the limits of this visible world will be its limits no longer, and from the seen to the unseen, the human soul will be able to pass with the greatest rapidity and ease. 

The Son of Man attained to this power for a time, and to a limited degree, and there have been prophecies and hints of it at different times, but in future, as easily as your thought passes from place to place, so will you, or those who come after you.

If the fourth dimension may be called interprogression, then the fifth might be called transprogression. 

From sphere to sphere—star to starstar to sunwill you wander at free will.

As the human soul rises from dimension to dimension, its powers are changed and increased in many ways. 

It is not simply an added power of progression, but an opening of new faculties in many directions. 

There are beings who come over so undeveloped that all to which they can attain is the power of passing from place to place without let or hindrance
a kind of animal life. 

Some linger in the atmosphere of earth, seeking to feed their feeble earthbound souls, and it is from this class that most physical manifestations are obtained

The link that binds their lower nature to earth not being yet broken.

These dimensional laws begin very low down in the purely physical, and gradually rise as the powers of the being are developed and increased. 

There is no sharp division between the physical and psychical—psychical and spiritual—again between spiritual and that higher state stillDivine.

The sixth dimension begins to enter upon higher ground
—the first five have to do with spacethe next series has to do more directly with time.

In the first time-dimension, the experience of the being is that he is no longer limited by time—

Time is neither long or short—

A lifetime may be lived through in a moment or a moment may extend to a lifetime—

One day is with him as a thousand years or a thousand years as one day.


Do I need to perform any action? 

I am not bound or hampered by time. 

So the Master produced the wheaten bread in a moment or restored the wasted tissues of the human frame in a few brief seconds—

While on other occasions, the power seemed to fail Him, and He cried

I have a work to do, and how am I straitened until it be accomplished.

This dimension you only partly enter into, but there are higher spirits to whom it is the normal state.

Next—the seventh or second time-dimension. 

In this, the being advances a stage farther—

Here the limitations of time fall from him more completely than before—for him, indeed, time may be said to have no existence.

The past to him is the same as the present, and only the future lies still closed to him—

Something of the spirit and power of the Eternal I AM is within him, and he approaches still more nearly the Divine.

Your memory is limited to those ineffaceable marks on the rock of your being made at some period by the waves of your conscious life.

But to him, this is not so—

All things lie within his memory. 

More than that, they can, in a real manner, unfold themselves before him at his will. 

This power adds largely to the joy of those higher spheres in which he dwells.

This power was hinted at by the Master when He said—

Before Abraham was, I am.

After the time-dimensions come those that belong more directly to the human will—its powers and its limitations.

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