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11 June 2017

Do spirit-lives foresee approaching events?

The spirit-lives of the first spiritual zone are able to foresee events that are approaching you, and can on occasions convey to you some inkling of their approach. 

But these spirit-lives have no power to prevent the happening of that which is to be.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. 

Much depends upon whether that which is to happen to you is the result of the violation of some of nature's laws, or whether the danger that is approaching is coming from a source that is outside you and within the realm of the merely chance happenings of life.

In the latter case, you may be saved if you receive the warning in time and act upon it.

Benjamin F. Woodcox, Fragments of Spiritual Knowledge Pertaining to the Spiritual World, Woodcox & Fanner, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1923

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