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24 August 2016

The Immortality of the Soul

Spirits can only see a step further beyond us on earth but there are many steps further still, which they cannot take. In the same way that spirits influence us in ways that we think indicative of Divine providence, so are they also influenced by higher spirits, who, in turn, are under the control of still higher beings and thus ever upward to the great Author of all things. Spirits are not more able to understand all things than we are. They may be able to penetrate a little further into the mysteries of nature but not much. They can tell us what they know or rather what they think we can understand but there is much that they are themselves taught by others. Christ told his disciples there were many things to tell them but they were not ready yet. He could have told them much but it would have been more unintelligible to his hearers than even the little he did tell them. Christ refrained from disclosing things, which to him must have been as familiar as household words, simply because they were not suitable to the times in which he lived. 

We are ourselves so densely ignorant about the nature of the spirit world that we do not seem to understand whether spirits have any bodies or not and never realise the fact that there is a spirit world round about us quite as solid and substantial (to those who inhabit it) as our world and peopled, moreover, by persons who lead the same kind of lives as ourselves. 

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