The impression has been so universally diffused of the separation between the life on earth, and that of the spiritual worlds, that I can do nothing more useful than to correct such false belief.
The idea that the only connection is in the result of mortal living is so far removed from the truth, that the reality of constant and intimate influence cannot be too strongly insisted upon, urges the Spirit Author in Letters from a Spirit [Unknown]. I will give as far as permitted, she promises, an illustration, which will appeal to the desire for beauty, which is a part of every nature—the soul life of flowers.
The beginning is where all life must commence, the great source of all being, the Infinite God, and Father of all, and learn how His life, flowing down through the heavenly societies comes at last through our spirit world into yours. His life or influx flows first into the society most advanced in development and purity and yet even here, one society cannot receive, or transmit it, for the Divine Wisdom flows in fuller measures into the Spiritual Heaven, as the Divine Love into the Celestial Heavens.
No created intelligence can ever receive the fullness of Divine life, only such portion as the degree of development will allow, and that is partial, as belonging to an imperfect creature.
We will say then that the great current of life divides and flows into two distant directions. The spiritual Heavens receive more largely of the Divine Wisdom than of the Divine Love, and the Celestial Heavens, more largely of the Divine Love, than of Divine Wisdom.
From thence, these streams of life flow into less developed societies, and into this spirit world of ours, where we divide in communities, more or less separated, according to our natures. That is according to our loves, whether we are lovers of wisdom, or of charity.
Again, this divine life flows through our world into the earth and there is a steady influx from us to you. The portion of this inflowing, which is adapted to human needs flows into human receptacles. There is a less spiritual or more animal life that flows into the animal creation and there is a yet different, though it is scarcely a lower form of life, flowing into inanimate natural objects, and the most refined, or elusive of this, is received into growing forms like plants.
As nothing is left without special care, or tendance, so those who have been lovers of flowers in natural life are interested in this culture here, and form societies, whose chief employment and interest centers in the propagation, and originating new blossoms.
Their delight is to create that which is lovelier than ever seen before. As flowers are of spontaneous growths and appear in forms correspondent to our states, these florists are no less devoted to their culture and tending than when on earth, and as the love of such refined creations is a most elevating and purifying influence, the effect of a large number of such spirits engaged in one pursuit is evident in the rich and wonderful growths that surround them.
The beauty of their gardens and the variety of forms is simply indescribable, but the environment of that community is most wonderful in loveliness.
It is given to a spirit to express himself without the many hindrances of mortal life, and hence, every advance in wisdom, or love, gives an added power to create and perfect the forms of beauty in which they delight.
When one succeeds in perfecting—comparatively, for there is but one perfection—he is desirous of communicating it to others as that is one of the chief pleasures of this sphere, for we know that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
These new flowers are nurtured and cared for and subjected to a course of treatment until they are capable of being transplanted into earthly surroundings. Does that seem a backward transplantation? It is not. It is flux and reflux, and mortal life if pure and elevated has its influence here. The angels in the vision ascended and descended. First the desire and then the answer.
This bloom is the spirit of the earthly plant. The person to whom is given the care of this bloom, or plant, seeks one on earth with whom he is in sufficient sympathy to be able to use his organisation, for the purpose of transmitting this spirit into an earthly form.
There are always those who are lovers of the same things in each sphere of existence, and one has but to seek to find. Of course, there are certain needful preliminaries to be observed, and if the word conditions had not been so foully abused, I might express this, as the requisite condition to be observed, to make this implanting possible.
The earthly recipient has this knowledge inserted into his internal perception.
As the multitude speak, they think it out, but really this is knowledge conveyed by a superior mind. When the various preparations are made, and the required condition arrived at, its perfecting point or the spirit of the blossom is infused into the waiting receptacle, and a new flower is presented to the world.
One has only to recall how many new varieties of flowers there are now than there were within the memory of adults, to realise the truth of this process, and yet the greater part of the change is in the perfecting of species.
For example, the varieties of roses, within a quarter of a century, differ so greatly from the few known then, that they are really new creations, and this is true of all kinds of plants. The influx of spiritual life is so much less hindered, and hence more powerful than even a lifetime since, that these changes are very marked, and will appear in increasing rates in the times to come because humanity is becoming more alive to the spiritual—or as we may express it, more refined. What a hundred years ago would have been impossible because of the closed doors, now that the gates are ajar, pours in, in a multitude of avenues and produces its effects.
If He so careth for the flowers, shall He not much more care for you.
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