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22 March 2016

Spirit Messages VII—The Extent of Creation

You said that you might spend 20,000 years in flight towards the boundaries of Creation, and be unable to reach them—Is it the same with the Great Ones, the Messengers of the Most High?

No; though the same in form, they are far superior to us in power, never having been in connection with the material body. I have some difficulty in getting you to comprehend this, there being nothing in all creation to which I may liken the quickness of their flight. It is quicker than thought, if you can conceive of such. The difference is very great between their flight and ours, quick as that is. No gross material form has left its heavy impress upon these Holy Ones; but, coming direct from the creative hand of the Great Maker, they are pure. No doubt we are the offspring of the same Great Father, but we come in a different way. These Holy Ones are not only pure, sinless, but as God himself, making the lightnings of Heaven their chariots.

Can there be bounds to Creation?

I cannot tell, and as I have said before, though we should live throughout eternity, we shall never be able to find out the extent of God's works.

Am I right in concluding, from all you have been saying to us, that we can never form any idea of the Person of the Most Highand that the only God that can be personally manifested to us is the Anointed One—Jesus the Prince?

He is the only representation which mankind in the body can have of God. But I am more and more inclined to believe that the Great and Mighty Spirit, the Master of all worlds, the Father of us all, is in the likeness of man. The intelligent beings of every world are similar in shape and form, and therefore, I conclude that the Great Father, in bringing forth his children, formed them in his own likeness—that, in sending His Son into the world, he sent him in his own image.

But does not your answer imply that the form or person of God must be something material?

He must be something; whatever the form it must be composed of certain elements.

If, then, God is confined to form, how can He be everywhere present?

It is by His wisdom, love, and power, that all worlds in the great expanse are upheld. The influences flowing from him extend to all things in all worlds; but He may not, in person, be everywhere present. Let me illustrate this. When we desire to act upon our Medium without removing in person from our sphere, we send forth our influence to bear upon him, and we find him in a suitable condition when we do come. This we sometimes do under certain circumstances.

Can the Grand Central Sun be seen from our Earth? I have heard it stated that one of the cluster, called the " Seven Stars," is that great central body.

No; it is not visible. It is far beyond that cluster of stars.

Some of these are vast systems, round which your system, with all its mighty worlds, revolves; the Sun and its attendants are but as satellites to these, and they in turn revolve round others, and on and on in order and harmony amazing. The nearest you can come to the Grand Centre is when you cross the luminous belt called the " Milky Way."

Do the Great Rulers of the other worlds—those whom you refer to as the ''Anointed Ones," and as being like Jesus the Prince—ever visit your sphere?

O yes; and they are like him. But high and holy, beyond all description, though they be, Jesus the Prince stands higher, and is greater than they. And why? Because he has trod the Earth in a material body, and has thus been subjected to trials which they have never experienced—thereby accomplishing more than any other. In the eyes of these Holy Ones he is nearer to the Great Father than any one, and is so held in the estimation of all his subjects.

Do you know of any Spirit Sphere within the bowels of our Earth, such as was held by the ancient Hebrews?

No, no. The Earth, internally, is a molten mass of matter. When the Earth becomes cool and solid, then will the great change take place. A new creation will be formed on its surface. I may be wrong, but I have the idea that it cannot be otherwise. Your men of science may have attained to a greater knowledge on this subject than I had when a dweller on the Earthbut I bestowed much attention to the study of the rocks, and I found that, wherever there was pressure, there must be heat. In my day it was dangerous to say that the Earth was a round ball, but I believed it to be so, and calculated that there was a pressure over all towards the centre, and therefore that centre must be a molten mass.

In the writings of one of the Apostles it is said—"The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin." What is your opinion on this subject?

I think I have already given you my opinion on the subject. But I again say—His death had nothing to do with the taking away of the sins of men. In a certain sense, however, he may be said to have died for us, when he shed his blood in vindication of the principles he inculcated—those truths that he endeavoured to implant within man—truths fitted, when embraced, to uplift him from sin and its sufferings to holiness and happiness. But his death is of no avail otherwise. He who commits sin must suffer for sin. I cannot suffer, or be judged, for your transgression. Yes, he became a martyr for the truths he taught; and, guided in life by those truths, you are saved from sin and its consequences. Follow closely in his footsteps, and you will triumph over all the evils that beset you.

Do you know of any other material world, the inhabitants of which are in the same condition morally as those of the Earth?

No; they seem never to have risen in pride against the laws of the Creator.

On one occasion you spoke of a material world that had been destroyed because of the wickedness of the inhabitants.

Yes, I did. I had no knowledge of it from my own experience, but I have heard it referred to by others in the Great Temple. In that case there was no Deliverer. That world was totally destroyed, but not the spirits of its inhabitants. Their bodies were swept away, but they themselves have long since been raised to holiness and glory. I have known of worlds—what you would call worlds— that have been broken up; but these were worlds in process of formation—I mean comets. These, as I have already said, are composed, in their first condition, of gases, and these gases, getting on fire, the vast mass rushes off in its course, blazing through space, and at length, after millions of years, it begins to cool on its external surface; a crust is formed, and the nearest system of planets draws the new world within the circle of its influence, when it moves on in regular procession. But there are times when two such bodies, in process of formation, come into collision in their erratic course, and are broken up into smaller bodies. Though broken, they are not lostthe fragments fly off in a dozen different ways—the smaller attracted towards other worlds, while the larger go on forming new worlds.

Are those High and Holy Ones, who are the Rulers of systems of worlds, the Creators of worlds?

I do not know. But it seems to me that all creation is but the effect of laws laid down by the Great Spirit. Creation is ever going on.

It is said in one of the Gospels, referring to Him who is there called ''the Word"—''All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made."

Moses, in his account of creation, says—"Let us make man in our own image." Who are the us who were thus called to take part in creation? I believe it refers to our Prince and the others. The Great and Mighty Spirit, as it were, called them into His counsels in the great work; though, so far as Moses was concerned, he gives merely what tradition had imparted to him—not revelation.

What is your opinion as to the payment of Mediums?

There is an Eastern saying which will give you my opinion on this subject. It is this—"Do not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn." But where gain is to be made, there is danger that the practice may lead to necromancy, or the black art, practised by ancient magicians, who called on evil Spirits to assist them in their work.

Hafed, Prince of Persia—His Experiences in Earth Life and Spirit Life; being spirit communications received through Mr David Duguid, the Glasgow trance-painting medium; with an appendix, containing communications from the spirit artists, Ruisdal and Steen. Illustrated by facsimiles of various drawings and writings, the direct work of the spirits; David Duguid, Hay Nisbet; James Burns, London, 1876 

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