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27 August 2024

What is the value of a creed?

Does an individual's creed on Earth affect his happiness in the Spirit world?

It does not matter whether he be Jew, Mahommedanor Christian. 

When I think of these Mahommedans, my old nature gets up. 

Yet even amongst them, there are good and true men who faithful 
to the precepts of their prophet put multitudes of Christians to shame. 

If Christians would but look as much to Jesus as these 
men do to Mahomet, it would be better for them. 

I have known 
noble-hearted men also amongst the Brahmins of India—men who though differing in creed from Jews
or Christians were morally superior, and therefore more likely than multitudes of these to get a higher position in Spirit life. 

These were men who 
did not wear a cloak of religion to be put on once-a-week, but who served him whom they looked on as their Lord every day. 

No matter by what name He was known to them, if they looked 
upon Him whom they worshipped as God, they might do so through the medium of an uncouth figure
or image, but it was God, their Maker and Preserver, they meant to worship. 

But it is better than and 
beyond all faiths and creeds to walk in Jesus' steps, my Prince, who was sent to reveal the Father to mankind—sent that He might become the Light of the World.

—Hafed, Prince of Persia in Spirit

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