Before spirit-lives can do any permanent good, it is necessary that they feel the need of reform and cry out for it.
When the magnetism of your prayers and aspirations ascends on high, your magnetism can meet—your sympathies can be brought into rapport with theirs—and their aid can be given you to work this great work.
There is much to be done.
Partial amelioration—partial reform is not their aim.
To thoroughly and entirely redeem mankind from all the sins, vices and miseries that now afflict it is the work the spirits have determined to perform.
It may seem an impossible thing to our finite minds but they know their powers and the mighty power that is above them and from whom they receive all strength.
They know that they will succeed.
This is, in fact, the second coming promised by Christ Jesus—as different to what you have been taught to anticipate, as was his first one to the unbelieving Jews.
Considering the violence of the opposition Christ met with, is it not wonderful that He produced any effect at all?
Nothing, but the power of Holy Spirit, so abundantly poured out upon Him and afterwards on His followers, could have caused His success.
Men's hearts were touched by its softening and humanising influences, and they felt in their inmost depths the power and force—the beauty and holiness of His words—their moral superiority over the teachings of their schools and how much more they were calculated to produce happiness and peace and prepare them to live again.
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