/> How to Heal Your Mind and Spirit: Healing You!: The Ship of Life UA-45840438-1

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11 September 2015

The Ship of Life

The air seemed to be charged with pulsations of power, a throbbing light, a love unspeakable, on that memorable evening. There were only six persons; these went forth with joywildered hearts, glad that they had lived in such an overwhelming experience. Words are impotent. Experience alone can understand. We cannot know more until we listen with love in our heart and obedience in our life to every word the Christ would say to us. It is useless to seek further light from outside. With those who are honest in their insistence on the doctrine of immortality, a personal relation with the great Founder of the Christian religion, and a real communion with Him, the Twentieth Plane is in close accord. 

Brothers, lovers, all—

If I were permitted to add a line to the Sermon on the Mount, I should add this—Be calm. That is the lesson of the planes to all the ages.

The birds are serene. The ocean subsides to solemn stillness as it adores its Maker. The winds cry not. Night comes on all planes and soothes the soul to rest. The stars are noiseless. The greatest force of all space is often not heard even by ears attuned to hear the language of flowers.

But the souls of earth plane mortals rattle to destruction. Your souls alone clatter over the rocks of unfinished character. Alone do those of earth plane spill blood while monster machines tear the air with their roar to an endless chaos.

Be calm in prayer, in thought, in purpose, in character, and your calmness will be the ship of life that shall reach all ports of experience, and then throw out the anchor; safe home at last.

My children, when two or three are gathered in the tent of faith, I enter to minister to them. This has been a time when your voices of faith reached with mine in song and prayer to the greater Mind of all, our Father.

I was a human too, and am, as you will be, clothed in robes of white, cleansed to enter the temple where one hears God's voice—Welcome to this tabernacle, O my children.

I go now, but my spirit loves your spirits. Our influences merge. We will be together always.

Jesus In Spirit

My brothers, I come again as the elder Brother, one living in a home all may enter. The true worship of our Father is to be pure, sincere and loving. There is no complexity in the teaching of God's school. Truth was born to help the lowly by the pure and simple nature of its love.

The highest expressions of life I saw on earth were my mother's grief, the other Mary's sorrow at my death and the loyalty of the fishermen, simple souls and disciples who followed me even to the end. Thus the greatest was the lowliest.

Go to the Father, not on bended knee, but straight up, in all the majesty of the wonderful body God gave thee. He will rejoice, for He loves the natural, the brave, the true. Supplication in strength of physical body is sweeter to Him than reaching Him through lowly attitudes of bodily pain, self-inflicted.

My own brothers, sisters, I am but an elder one whose highest purpose is to extend the Christ hand to make you your true selves, thus coming to our Father as He desires His children to come.

I bend before you to sprinkle the water of my love on your brows.


Jesus In Spirit

O Albert, My Boy, was not that wonderful! Speak to me. I must hear your voice.

The whole evening was wonderful, Mother.

When Jesus is here, I am to you very near; but O Albert, do for me use all your faith to see that this revelation is made of great use.

—A. D.'s Mother In Spirit

Here, for the present, A. D. records, the revelation closes. It is unusual, startling, astounding; nevertheless, it is printed with the hope that it may be found to correlate and explain many if not all of the wonderful psychical experiences reported in recent months, which demand, for their co-relation, just such a revealment.

The Twentieth Plane—A Psychic Revelation, Albert Durrant Watson, M. D., George W. Jacobs & Company, Philadelphia, 1919

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