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07 September 2015

The Law of Reincarnation

Returning now to the law of reincarnation, remarks A. D. to his mother one evening, I would like to have some definite information about this matter. A. D. asks if he were right in supposing that the ego, when in reincarnated state, could be only on one plane at a time. His mother replies that Hartley would answer, as he is a student of reincarnation. Thus the dialogue—

The soul in the reincarnated state is a definite ego—the resident of a physical body on your plane. It comes here only on astral visits or in lofty lifting up of spirit when cosmic consciousness inspires the soul.

Then the hundreds of people who think they are reincarnations of Cleopatra must nearly all be mistaken?

Cleopatra is not on the market for reincarnation. She is in the valley of the tenth plane. Her sins were as scarlet.

I will, if Louis breathes deep, state another great law, re the definite purpose of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is always the ladder of the higher life let down to those who require a step to ascend. The reincarnate are always leverages to raise the masses of the people.

I have already quoted statements to make clear that our astral friends do not claim to be with us in person but to project their thought. Just how this is done has not transpired but it will be interesting to find that certain instruments are used to control thought. The following quotations show as well as we can this mechanical method.

—Hartley Coleridge In Spirit

Mother, you see us, you say, and yet you are five hundred miles away. How can you see through brick walls and every other obstruction ?

Once I said we used instruments of great power here, did I not?


Well, at this moment, I am using an instrument of vision projection which throws to us on a screen the images of your group and—Dora said just now—your environments too.

Is this the way you have always seen our groups?


—Mother In Spirit

I will tell of the laws of mechanics which control thought. But rest while I adjust my notes.

Light is reflected on the particles of earth-emanations as the camera obscura catches the vision one aims the lens at. Now, we have an article here we call a vision instrument of thought, projecting images of matter. This instrument consists of powerful lenses which peer through the ether of so-called space. It is not retarded by any solid substance because it is one of the so-called X-rays. The violet ray is also involved.

This instrument is the miniature replica of the soul vision in the clairaudient state, so it is not affected by time, distance, space, or any of the laws which obtain on your plane.

But it has to you one radical, extremely interesting feature. It is controlled absolutely by thought. It is on a par with the thinking book-publishing machine the authors here use. It gives to those who understand it a vision on all planes, from the fifth to the hundredth, of the actions, environments, thought and love-light of those people who, with a proper medium such as Lou, become en rapport or in concert with our plane.

Is that clear?

—Hartley Coleridge In Spirit

Wallace, we have been told that on the Twentieth Plane they use instruments to assist them in the process of communicating with us. Can you not, as a scientist, tell us, so that we can understand, the precise principles underlying and governing the process of communication?

This is the modus operandi as I can vibrate it to you. I am here on a plane about five hundred miles above your world. I am speaking now through a process of thought into a delicate instrument which sends out wave vibrations exactly in the same way as a Marconi instrument sends waves out to a receiving station instrument.

Wireless telegraphy receiver after G. Marconi 1897 in cabinet—Teylers Museum Instrument Room—Jane023—Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

The boy who is your medium is in tune perfectly now with the thought wave vibration I direct to his mentality, which is the attuned receiving instrument of my so expressed thought. He consciously directs movement of his hands, not, I mean, consciously to his physical brain but because it is his desire to do so in his soul. The great thing which makes him the Instrument he is, is the fact that he is more perfectly attuned to the thought-projecting instrument I am now using than any psychic medium we have record of.

When he sits down, he realises that he must think of the letters. His mind must not drift from the letters he looks at. The letters hold his mind as in a vise. 

Can he weigh and judge the value of the answers he receives?

Yes—but not until after he has reported them. If he did this while receiving, his mind would not be held in equipoise for the fraction of a second. This attunement of your Instrument to the sending apparatus means simply that the earth Instrument allows to pass through him because of this very equipoise, our complete thought waves. The Instrument is able to eliminate all obstruction.

Is it not possible that some day we might be able to invent an instrument that would receive mechanically your messages and also transmit to you our thought waves?

The use of physical material to act as receiving station can never be. We have a rate of intensity which must be reduced and only the soul is capable of receiving and interpreting such waves.

Wallace's opinion should not discourage us. Wireless telephony is already a fact. Eventually it will be accessible to all. Why not wireless psycophony?

—A. R. Wallace In Spirit


Were you ever incarnated as a woman?

Will not answer. Let Samuel develop the idea. Now I will leave. Goodbye.

This is the natural division between a man and a woman. We shall say A is the man; B is the woman. A is a cruder machine through which the same energy flows to be turned into concrete, specific action by such an ego. B is also a machine through which the same energy courses but the same energy as flows through A is flowing through a finer machine, which in its more rare and closer-meshed channels of expression creates results which are not nearly so crude as the efforts given forth by the first named figure.

Now, if the soul, which is sexless, desires to express itself in more bold and massive thought-action, that soul, in lives to come, may take on a body or machine to express this greater flow of the divine energy.

Reincarnation of women of your plane from higher planes back to earth again occurs very rarely but shall I enumerate some examples?

Joan of Arc was formerly a man. Aspasia was a man aeons ago. In Rome, the Mother of Cicero—Dora smiles now but she has read the records. She was a man long ago. Shall I give more?

Well, Dora was in time long ago, the Black Prince.

Is Dora coming back?

Yes. In the list too we place the sainted mother of Lincoln. He says he thinks her name was Hanks. And the list must contain Mary Queen of Scots, Marie Antoinette, Charlotte Corday, Beatrice—the one Dante saw and lastly, the noble woman here now, Harriet Beecher Stowe.

—Shelley—Coleridge In Spirit

The Twentieth Plane—A Psychic Revelation, Albert Durrant Watson, M. D., George W. Jacobs & Company, Philadelphia, 1919

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