No longer fear death!
It opens the portals of the celestial world, and presents to you a home—beautiful and grand.
Remember, too, that you can refine your spiritual nature only by generous acts and high resolves.
As the thought of hydrophobia will often induce that disease in its aggravated form, so will the contemplation of committing murder prepare one for the desperate deed.
The thinking of doing wrong arouses the rapacious, passionate molecules of the body and places one in a condition where he is forced to do some bad deed.
A man nurses the intention of committing rape until his body moves him irresistibly along to do it.
He whose mind is pure never arouses to activity the insatiate animals of his nature—and he develops the angel within himself.
I appeal to all, then, who wish to take an advanced position in the spirit-world, to have their whole life distinguished by good deeds and philanthropic purposes.
Life is short on earth at most, and the improvements made here are felt throughout all eternity.
—Lucretus (Spirit)
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