/> Light Your Spirit: Wellness Inspiring Spiritual Health: Pathway of Truth UA-45840438-1

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12 April 2014

Pathway of Truth

Would that all mankind would realise its grandeur and simplicity and mould their lives accordingly while upon the earthly Plane. How much better they would then be able to enjoy the many beauties which God has placed about them, ever with the thought for their happiness, yet how many heed them not, and pass with unseeing eye and heedless step, crushing beneath the careless foot many a tender and beautiful thing, in plant life as well as human.

Mark these expressions of thought, for to the thinker, as well as the unthinker, they will mean a lesson worth study.

God gives us all we have, so why not endeavour to live our human lives in such manner as to be able to stand before Him when the call comes and say to Him:

Dear Father and Friend, I have tried to do my individual part, — if I have failed, I grieve for my weakness in not being able to follow your Command; but I have at least tried honestly to live in the right thought and follow in the pathway of Truth.

Clifford (Spirit)

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